The Systems Design Engineering Graduate Student Association (SYDE GSA) is a student body recognized by the department of Systems Design Engineering as well as the university-wide Graduate Student Association. The SYDE GSA provides services to full-time and part-time graduate students including:

  • Speaking on behalf of its students in department, faculty, and university wide councils
  • Enhance the experience of graduate students through social and recreational events
  • Promote exchange of information between students across different labs within the department

For more information about being involved in the faculty, department, or the SYDE GSA council, feel free to contact any of our council members (council member elections are currently being held and elected members will be announced)

The council meets regularly to discuss and vote on positions relating to current events within departmental/faculty/universityadministration levels. These meetings are open, and grad SYDE students are encouraged to join in and voice their opinions.