
Design Team Members: Eric Migicovsky, Caleb Gawne and Dane Corneil

Supervisor: Professor Histon

CashIn is transforming the wallet from something used to store financial instruments into a portable, personal financial adviser that fits seamlessly into your everyday life. The device brings budget information to the customer when they're making purchasing decisions, and greatly simplifies the process of maintaining a transaction record.


Unmanageable credit card debt is at an all-time high, and with a slowing economy it's more important than ever for consumers to manage their finances responsibly. Research shows that 2-2.5 million Americans consulted a credit counselor last year. Similarly, every year, millions of Americans and tens of thousands of Canadian young adults must learn to manage their own finances and the responsibility of a credit card. In both cases the sobering reminders of the CashIn can help reduce impulse purchases, and through a simple interface, allow them to easily maintain accurate, up-to-date financial records.

Project description

There are dozens of financial management solutions available for smart phones, as web applications, and for the traditional PC. CashIn has two distinct advantages through integration with the wallet: it provides budgeting reminders when and where they're needed the most, and it allows users to quickly enter financial information while the transaction is taking place. It also allows this transaction data to be transferred and reconciled with online banking, making it a useful accessory for programs such as Quicken and Microsoft Money. CashIn is extremely mobile and easy to use, moving seamlessly from wallet to wallet.  It uses wireless data transfer and battery charging.

Design methodology

In Fall 2008, we ran a user study to understand the needs and requirements of our target market. From that study, we synthesized a wide range of features and functions that we are working on adding to our design. A full-scale prototype will be constructed by January 2009, after which we plan on running a second user study to ensure that our design fulfills customer requirements.

As of December 2008, a preliminary concept has been designed.

a wallet with a calculator like object installed