MME Graduate Student Seminar
Autonomous Driving at Intersections: A Critical-Turning-Point Approach for Decision Making.
Autonomous Driving at Intersections: A Critical-Turning-Point Approach for Decision Making.
Have fun at the Global Engineering Week Game Night! An interactive design project showcase!
Engage in innovative games designed by the SYDE 261 Design, Systems, and Society class. Explore the global impacts of emerging technology on society and our environment.
Try out newly designed boardgames, video games, role playing games, cards, and more!
Domain Adaptation: Learn from Simulation.
Join us for a one-hour webinar about the full-time Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) program with our special guests - current full-time MBET students and alumni!
This session will include a brief presentation and is mostly Q&A with a panel of MBET students and alumni so you can learn more about their experiences with the program.
Please register to join us.
Join us for a one-hour webinar about the part-time Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) program with our special guests - current part-time MBET students!
This session will include a brief presentation and is mostly Q&A with a panel of MBET students and alumni so you can learn more about their experiences with the program.
Please register to join us.
This third and final research-focused webinar considers what our virtual future may look like. We will need to improve productivity with better design and automation, make telecommuting more effective and apply to more job roles, learn new ways of managing a dispersed workforce, all while ensuring we remain connected to and engaged with colleagues, employers, families, and friends.
Register for this virtual information session to learn more about the part-time Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) program!
Prospective students from across Canada will have the opportunity to learn more about everything Waterloo has to offer. Representatives from our six faculties, four University Colleges, and many areas of student support services will be on hand to answer questions and share their experiences.
Join our virtual graduate studies “Ask Me Anything” events for each of our six departments (plus Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business to learn about our MBET program) and have your questions about graduate studies answered by current students, faculty, and admissions experts!