Alexandra is a master's student in the Technology for Aging Gracefully (TAG) lab.
Alexandra Andratis, MASc student in systems design engineering was invited to share an original short story for the Treaty of the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons meetings held at the United Nations in New York City.
Her work titled “The Ecology of Hope” is part of an anthology of three short fiction stories that imagines possible futures and shared hopes amidst the threat of political conflict. The stories were included in an art installation by Reverse the Trend Canada at the UN headquarters.
Alexandra, a graduate of Waterloo's Knowledge Integration undergraduate program, is now conducting master’s research supervised by Dr. Cosmin Munteanu in the Technology for Aging Gracefully (TAG) lab. She explores storytelling methods using technologies for recreational use by older adults. She describes her research in the video below.
“Storytelling helps connect and unite people, whether through fiction or through non-fictional retelling,” said Alexandra. “I'm bringing what I learned back to the lab and integrating it into my work.”