Completing the Override Form

The Class Enrolment Information may be found on the Schedule of Classes. Select the term (the third digit is the year, the last digit is the starting month of the term, e.g., 1: Winter, 5: Spring, and 9: Fall, so Spring 2009 would be 1095) and the subject (for example SYDE).

Course Overide How To

Every course will have one or more lecture section (LEC) and some courses may have related tutorials (TUT) or laboratories (LAB). Once you choose your lecture, you choose the associated tutorial or laboratory. You then complete the override form with the appropriate class numbers and sections. Please see the example below. Alternatively in the example below, a student could have chosen the second lecture (2997) and then either tutorial 2996 OR 3061.

Course Overide how to: Part 2

If you are taking an extra course or a course during a work term you should fill in the grading basis as DRNA or NRNA:

  • DRNA: Degree Requirement, Not in Average will be used for courses that will count towards your degree.
  • NRNA: Not a Degree Requirement, Not in Average will be used for courses that you are taking for interest.

Any extra courses will not count in your term or cumulative average.