How do I remove a hold from my account?

Woman filling in a form on a computer

A "hold" is a notice that may affect your use of Quest, or your interaction with the University. If you owe fees or other goods, or have committed an academic offence, you may find a Hold placed on your account.

Holds may prevent you from receiving transcripts, or enrolling yourself using Quest. However, most holds can be removed. Contact the department(s) listed under the "Contact" heading to resolve any outstanding issues. Note: Some holds (such as parking fines) may also be resolved by paying the outstanding fees at The Centre.

  1. Sign in to Quest.
  2. Select the Holds tile.
    Holds tile in Quest.
  3. Your holds summary is displayed showing the department(s) to whom you owe money. Select Other Fees Owing to view the detailed list.
    Item List of Your Holds in Quest.
  4. Your detailed list is displayed.
    Hold Item Details in Quest.

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