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Eihab Abdel-Rahman
Systems Design Engineering, Professor, Associate Chair

Arash Arami
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Assistant Professor

Jennifer Boger
Systems Design Engineering, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Jordan Cannon
Kinesiology and Health Sciences, Assistant Professor

Helen Chen
School of Public Health Sciences, Professor

[Waterloo Stories] July 10, 2017 "Waterloo software improves care for kidney patients"
[CBB researcher story] July 21, 2015 "Data management in Health Care"
James Danckert
Psychology, Professor

Clark Dickerson
Kinesiology, Professor

CBB Executive Director
Canada Research Chair in Shoulder Mechanics [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Waterloo News] February 19, 2019 "How to make the push-up work for you"
[Waterloo Stories] October 7, 2013 "Reducing shoulder injuries in the workplace"
Baris Fidan
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor

Steven Fischer
Kinesiology, Associate Professor; Associate Chair of Applied Research, Partnerships and Outreach

Lora Giangregorio
Kinesiology, Professor

Ehsan Hashemi
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests
- Control system development for Driver Assistance Systems
- Fault-tolerant state estimation for biped robots
- Distributed Estimation
- Control Theory
- Multibody Dynamics
Jesse Hoey
Computer Science, Professor

[VJDementia] "The complex issue of emotion"
[Computer Science News] June 29, 2017 "ACT@Home: An emotionally intelligent cognitive assistant to help people with Alzheimer’s disease"
[Waterloo Stories] January 2, 2013 "Making life easier for those living with Alzheimer's"
Jan Huissoon
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Professor

Research Interests:
- Mobility assistive devices
- Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal Modeling of Human Locomotion
- Autonomous Navigation Using Artificial Neural Networks
- Dynamic Seam Tracking for Robotic Welding, Arc Acoustics in GMA welding, Walking Robot Welder
- Automatic end-of-arm and tool-centre-point calibration
Heather Keller

Research Interests:
- Improving nutrition and health in hospitals, long term care and the community
- Dementia
Schlegel Research Chair in Nutrition & Aging
[Grand River Hospital News] March 15, 2019 "Good food, better healing: How GRH is studying to improve food for patients in hospital"
[Waterloo News] March 23, 2017 "Survey will reduce rates of malnutrition in hospitals"
Behrad Khamesee
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
- Smart structures, actuators, biomechanics, assistive devices, human-robot interaction, wearable sensors (fitness, monitoring, fall prevention, Alzheimer's)
- Ophthalmic instrumentation, senors, technologies and hardware design (MRI, CT, ultrasound)
- Micro-energy harvester through human locomotion
- Magnetically driven medical microrobots for drug delivery and microsurgery
- Regenerative prosthetic knee, and cost-effective prosthetic leg (structural design, sensory system, and controller)
- Micromanipulation using magnetic levitation
- Auto-focusing mechanism for microscopy using electrorestrictive
- Clean room applications
[Waterloo Stories] August 28, 2018 "New sensor could help doctors monitor patient progress from a distance"
[Waterloo Stories] March 2, 2014 "Charge your phone while you shovel - and shiver"
Jonathan Kofman
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- Biomedical systems & biomechatronics - rehabilitation, assistive devices, intelligent design of prostheses and orthoses, 3D body surface measurement
- Optomechatronics - computer vision (2D and 3D), range-image registration, range-sensing, range-sensor design, vision-based 3D surface measurement systems, optical system design, laser-camera range, sensor design, phase-shifting / fringe-projection 3D surface measurement systems, real-time full-field 3D imaging sensors / real-time full-field 3D surface measurement systems, hand-held 3D imaging sensors / hand-held 3D surface measurement systems, vision-based robot control, vision-based human-robot interfaces
- Robotics - robot teleoperation, robot vision, human-robot interfaces, human-robot interaction, human-guided robot learning, vision-based robot control (visual servoing), human-assistive/service robots
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
Monica R Maly

Research Interests
- Knee biomechanics
- Osteoarthritis
- Clinical outcomes
- Mobility
- Exercise
- Muscle
- Imaging and disability
Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens

Research interests:
- Aging and neurodegeneration
- Movement disorders
- Gait kinematics
- Neuropsychology and neurocognitive assessment
- Mood, emotion and cognition
- Fear, threat, anxiety and depression
- Virtual reality
John McPhee
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- Biomechatronics
- Multibody dynamic models and simulation
- Exoskeletons and rehabilitation robots
- Biomechanics
- Sports engineering
- Systems theory
- Model-based control
- Autonomous cars and vehicle dynamics
- Machine learning
- Computer vision
- Hybrid electric vehicles
Canada Research Chair in Biomechatronic System Dynamics [Canada Research Chair Profile]
NSERC/Toyota/Maplesoft Industrial Research Chair in Mathematics-Based Modelling and Design [NSERC Profile]
[Waterloo Stories] February 20, 2019 "Engineering innovation for wheelchair curlers"
[Waterloo Stories] August 5, 2016 "Rio Olympics 2016: Engineering speed for the Canadian track cycling team"
[Waterloo Stories] June 17, 2015 "Waterloo’s $10M dream facility for smarter, greener cars"
Office of Research - Technology Transfer & Commercialization:
Laura Middleton

Research interests:
- Identifying interventions to promote well-being of people with, and those at risk for, dementia
- Co-design of technologies, programs, and services with people living with dementia, care partners, and other stakeholders, with a focus on physical activity and other lifestyle strategies
- Co-development of professional development programs for health and community service providers to promote quality and accessibility of health and wellness programs and services for persons living with dementia
- Integration of virtual programs, including virtual reality, to promote physical activity and healthy living
Katja Mombaur
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
- human-robot interaction
- wearable robots
- rehabilitation robots
- intelligent assistive devices
- humanoid robots
- human movement analysis
- optimal control
- model-based control
- multibody systems modeling
Plinio Morita
School of Public Health Sciences

Research Interests:
- mHealth and wearable technology design
- Ubiquitous sensors for smart homes and remote patient monitoring
- Big data and health data analytics
- Technology to support longer independent living
[MaRS] April 26, 2018 "UbiLab team wins Healthy Behaviour Data Challenge"
Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo

Research Interests:
- Role of normal binocular vision in the development of fine motor skills
- Neuroplasticity resulting from abnormal binocular vision due to amblyopia and/or strabismus
- Multisensory integration during performance of complex manipulation tasks
- Gaze behaviour in complex environments
- Innovative assessment of pilot competency
- Effect of mild traumatic brain injury and post-concussion syndrome on oculomotor and cognitive functions
- Environmental and genetic interactions
Homeyra Pourmohammadali
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests
- Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
- Orthopaedic Biomechanics
- Mechanotransduction
- Soft Tissue Bioengineering
- Cancer Biomechanics
- Biomaterial Science
- Rehabilitation Engineering
- Assistive Technologies
- Engineering Education
George Shaker
Electrical & Computer Engineering

Alternate Location:
- Satellite Campus, UW-Schlegel Research Institute for Aging, Research Building, Sensors and Devices Lab
Research Interests:
- Bio-wearable electronics and systems
- Bio-electromagnetics, bio-technology, bio-sensors and energy harvesting systems
- RF/microwave/millimeter wave/Terahertz (THz) circuits and antenna systems
- Radio frequency (RF)/microwave packaging and Electromagnetic compatibility
- (EMC)/Electromagnetic interface (EMI) analyses
- Vehicle and UAV wireless communications, navigation systems, and telematics systems
- Complex propagation and scattering phenomena
- Devices and novel electromagnetic materials and wireless sensors
- Top downloaded paper in Medical Physics (arXiv) – October 2019
- Best Imaging Paper, CVS, 2018
- ACM MobileHCI 2017 Best Worskshop Paper Award
- IEEE APS 2017 SPC Honorable Mention Paper Award
- IEEE Sensors Most Popular Article (March 2017)
- IEEE Sensors Annual Volume Cover Page
[CBB Events] November 15, 2019 "Professor Shaker organizes a Health Canada Regulatory insights Workshop"
[CNN] November 11, 2019 "Scientists develop sensor to save children and pets from hot car deaths"
[Waterloo News] October 29, 2019 "Advancing healthcare through innovative technology"
[Inside Digital Health] June 3, 2019 "Study: Radar Monitors Sleep with Accuracy Comparable to Current Standards"
[Waterloo News] June 28, 2018 "AI and radar technologies could help diabetics manage their disease"
[Engineering News] June 28, 2018 "Researchers developing a prick-free glucose monitor"
[RD Magazine] June 28, 2018 "AI and Radar Technologies Could Help Diabetics Manage Their Disease"
[Engineering News] July 5, 2016 "Waterloo wins big with tiny power device"
Madjid Soltani
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Adjunct Assistant Professor

Ben Thompson
Optometry and Vision Science

Research Interests
- human visual cortex development and plasticity
- videogames for vision rehabilitation (amblyopia)
- vision loss treatments and rehabilitation
- diagnostics
- imaging
[YouTube] February 13, 2019 "Teaching an old brain new tricks" TEDxUW
James Tung
Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Research Interests:
Rehabilitation engineering and assistive technologies (gerontology, Osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, fall risk in stroke survivors, and rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury)
Neuromotor control
Biomedical signal analysis
[Waterloo Stories] July 8, 2014 "GPS technology may help detect Alzheimer’s disease earlier"
Karen Van Ooteghem

Research interests:
- Aging
- Balance and mobility impairment
- Central nervous system function
- Wireless sensor technologies
[National Centre for Biotechnology Information] August 31, 2019 "Key factors for the assessment of mobility in advanced dementia: A consensus approach"
[Ontario Neurodegenerative Disease Research Initiative] September 26, 2019 "Wearable technologies to improve health outcomes in people with neurodegenerative diseases?"
Alex Wong
Systems Design Engineering

Research Interests:
Biomedical image processing and analysis (prostate, breast, lung and dermatological cancer analysis, retinal photoreceptor and blood vessel analysis, musculoskeletal kinematic analysis
Remote sensing data processing and analysis (sea ice, underwater object, oil spill analysis)
Perceptual based video and image processing (noise reduction, compression, enhancement)
Computer vision and pattern recognition
Multimedia management systems
3D graphics and game development
Cognitive radio networks
Canada Research Chair in Medical Imaging Systems [Canada Research Chair Profile]
[Daily Bulletin] June 1, 2018, 11 CBB Members Named Outstanding Performance Award Winners
[Waterloo News] [CBC News] [Gadgets] May 16, 2018, Co-authors discuss the use of aerobic fitness data from wearable tech to predict illness
[Waterloo News] May 15, 2018 "Researchers combine wearable technology and AI to predict the onset of health problems"
[Global Impact] [570 news] [Youtube] April 11, 2018 "How AI is helping doctors diagnose Cancer"
[The Star] February 9, 2018 "How TheRedPin aims to take a swipe at the real estate industry"
[Waterloo News] June 7, 2017 "Artificial intelligence-driven imaging research makes diagnosing disease easier"
[Waterloo Stories] January 28, 2017 "Artificial intelligence and the Waterloo-Toronto tech supercluster"
[Waterloo Stories] May 20, 2016 "Breakthrough tech helps doctors more accurately diagnose cancer"
[CBB researcher story] January 9, 2013 "Improving Early Diagnosis to Save Lives"
[Waterloo Stories] January 9, 2013 "Making it harder for cancer to hide"
[YouTube Lecture] October 1, 2014 "Integrative systems for biomedical imaging and analysis"