Barb Butler

Barbara Butler is interested in the way microorganisms function and interact with their surrounding habitat, whether the habitat is soil, water, the human body, or the food we eat. Her primary focus is teaching and she offers a broad range of courses in microbiology at the undergraduate level.
Dr. Butler received her PhD in microbiology from the University of Waterloo in 1985. Thereafter she conducted research on aspects of microbial ecology, and the biodegradation of organic contaminants, particularly in groundwater and soil environments. She has also done some work in the realm of microbial physiology (enzymes, heat & cold stress proteins) and with chemolithotrophs (e.g., Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans).
Dr. Butler has taught both undergraduate and graduate courses, primarily in microbiology. She is the course coordinator for BIOL 499, Senior Honours Project.
Dr. Butler received her PhD in microbiology from the University of Waterloo in 1985. Thereafter she conducted research on aspects of microbial ecology, and the biodegradation of organic contaminants, particularly in groundwater and soil environments. She has also done some work in the realm of microbial physiology (enzymes, heat & cold stress proteins) and with chemolithotrophs (e.g., Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans).
Dr. Butler has taught both undergraduate and graduate courses, primarily in microbiology. She is the course coordinator for BIOL 499, Senior Honours Project.
Research Interests
- Microbial ecology
- Environmental microbiology
- General microbiology
- Fate and transport of organic contaminants in subsurface environments
- 1985 Ph.D. Microbiology, University of Waterloo, Canada
- 1980 M.Sc. Microbiology, University of Waterloo, Canada
- 1977 B.Sc. Biology, University of Waterloo, Canada
- 2012 Department of Biology Carlson Award for Teaching Excellence
- Science Undergraduate Studies Committee, Biology/Biochemistry
- Faculty Committee on Student Appeals, Biology Representative
- Faculty of Science Foundation, Faculty Director, Biology
- Biology Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
- Biochemistry Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Joint with Chemistry)
- Reviewer: Water, Air & Soil Pollution, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, FEMS Microbiology Letters, Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, PLoS One, Applied Geochemistry, Canadian Geotechnical Journal
Professional Associations
- Canadian Society of Microbiologists
- American Society for Microbiology
- Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology
- BIOL 241 - Introduction to Applied Microbiology
- Taught in 2020
- BIOL 346 - Microbial Ecology and Diversity
- Taught in 2020
- BIOL 449 - Public Health Microbiology
- Taught in 2020
* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.
Selected/Recent Publications
- Pinheiro, M.D.O., Power, M.E., Butler, B.J., Dayeh, V.R., Slawson, R., Lee, L.E.J., Lynn, D.H., Bols, N.C. 2007. Use of Tetrahymena thermophila to study the role of protozoa in inactivation of viruses in water. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 73:643-649.
- Schirmer, M., Butler, B.J., Church, C.D., Barker, J.F., Nadarajah, N. 2003. Laboratory evidence of MTBE biodegradation in Borden aquifer material. J. Contam. Hydrol. 60:229-249.
- Hunkeler, D., Aravena, R., Butler, B.J. 1999. Monitoring microbial dechlorination of tetrachloroethene (PCE) in groundwater using compound-specific stable carbon isotopes: Microcosm and field studies. Environ. Sci. Technol. 33:2733-2738.
- Butler, B.J., Barker, J.F. 1996. Chemical and microbiological transformations and degradation of chlorinated solvent compounds. In Pankow, J.F., Cherry, J.A., (eds), Dense Chlorinated Solvents and Other DNAPLs in Groundwater - History, Behaviour, and Remediation. Waterloo Press, Portland Oregon. pp. 267-312.
- Allen-King, R.M., Butler, B.J., and Reichert, B. 1995. Fate of the herbicide glufosinate-ammonium in the sandy, low-organic carbon aquifer at CFB Borden, Ontario. J. Contam. Hydrol. 18:161-179.
- Please see Barb Butler's Google Scholar profile for a list of her publications: