Seminar Attendance Milestone

All full-time Chemical Engineering students are required to complete the Seminar Attendance Milestone as part of their degree requirements.

Eligible Seminars

To meet the Seminar Attendance Milestone, you may attend seminars presented by the:

  • Department of Chemical Engineering,
  • other UWaterloo presenters, with approval of the Department's Associate Chair of Graduate Studies
  • This is a list of pre-approved UWaterloo presenters:
  • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering                
  • Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering    
  • Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences     
  • Department of Physics and Astronomy          
  • Department of Biology                                                          
  • Department of Chemistry                                                    
  • Centre for Bioengineering and Biotechnology 
  • Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry  
  • Institute for Polymer Research (including Student Seminars) 
  • Waterloo Center for Automotive Research 
  • Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology 
  • Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy 
  • Water Institute                                                                   

Chemical Engineering Seminars

Upcoming seminars hosted by the Department of Chemical Engineering are

  • announced by e-mail to all Chemical Engineering graduate students and whenever possible a calendar reminder will be provided,
  • posted on the Events section of the Chemical Engineering website, and displayed on the monitor above the elevators on the first floor of E6.

To receive credit for Chemical Engineering seminar attendance, you must do the following:

In-Person/Online Seminar Protocol Chemical or WIN:

  1. Arrive in the seminar room or online at least five minutes before the start time.
  2. Attend the entire seminar.
  3. A seminar code will be provided approximately 10 minutes prior to the end of the series

Students are required to login into and ensure you fill in all fields.

This is a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) protected site that requires a VPN connection if you are off-campus.

Please note you MUST have a Seminar Code  as evidence or you WILL NOT be given credit.

In-Person/Online Seminar Protocol from the Pre-Approved List:

  1. Arrive in the seminar room or online at least five minutes before the start time.
  2. Attend the entire seminar.
  3. Get the seminar organizer's signature on your Seminar Attendance Certificate.
  4. Students are required to login: and ensure you fill in all fields, select 'Other' for Department, upload an electronic copy of your signed Seminar Attendance Certificate and click 'Submit'.

This is a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) protected site that requires a VPN connection if you are off-campus.

Please note you MUST have an uploaded Document as evidence or you WILL NOT be given credit.

Other UWaterloo Seminars

If you would like to attend a seminar from a group that is not listed above, you must get approval from the Department’s Associate Chair of Graduate Studies. To do so, please e-mail the seminar announcement, including the short bio of the seminar presenter, to the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies

If the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies approves the seminar for credit towards the Seminar Attendance Milestone, an e-mail will be sent to all graduate students to advise them of the opportunity.

To receive credit for attending seminars from approved presenters, you must do the following:

  1. Attend the entire seminar.
  2. Get the seminar organizer’s signature on your Seminar Attendance Certificate.
  3. Students are required to login  into and ensure you fill in all fields, select 'Other' for Department, upload an electronic copy of your signed Seminar Attendance Certificate and click 'Submit'.

This is a Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) protected site that requires a VPN connection if you are off-campus.

Please note you MUST have an uploaded Document as evidence or you WILL NOT be given credit.