MA Language requirements
Those students planning on further graduate studies in Classics should complete two graduate-level language courses, one in Latin and one in Greek. Supplementary language training is arranged on an individual basis between the student and the graduate chair.
Each student must pass one (1) reading exam in a language other than English, usually French, Italian, German, or Spanish. Other modern languages may fulfill this requirement, subject to approval of the student's supervisor and the departmental graduate chair, if the language is shown to be particularly relevant to the student's research interests. These exams are two (2) hours in duration and dictionaries and grammatical aids are allowed. They are set and graded by the relevant language department at the university.
Applicants who did not have the opportunity to follow any BA-level courses in the ancient languages may consider enrolling in Latin 610 or Greek 610. These are entry-level courses and assume no prior training in the languages; instruction does include advanced-level interpretation of texts. If you are doing the thesis stream, these courses cannot be counted towards fulfilling the degree requirements, but they will appear on transcripts as MA-level courses. If you are doing the MRP stream, 2 of the 6 one-term graduate courses can be subsitituted with either GRK 602 or LAT 602.
See calendar for more information - Master of Arts (MA) in Classical Studies | Graduate Studies Academic Calendar | University of Waterloo (