Fine Arts Alum Baz Kanold is part of a group show at the Kitchener Public Library
Fine Arts Alum Baz Kanold is part of a group show at the Kitchener Public Library called Trans in KW on display from February 14 to March 30, 2024.
Fine Arts Alum Baz Kanold is part of a group show at the Kitchener Public Library called Trans in KW on display from February 14 to March 30, 2024.
Sale of artwork by former students of the Fine Arts Department 9:30-3:30 on February 29 and March 1 in ECH 1237.
Site-specific call for art that plays with light and shadow and pertains to topics of equity, diversity, inclusion and other social issues.
The Fine Arts Manager of Media and Studios, Adam Glover, is a recipient of the 2023 Arts Awards for Excellence in Service.
On Tuesday September 26 from 1:00-2:00 pm. the Arts Faculty is hosting an online Q&A event with Fine Arts Alum (BA ’91) and Academy Award winner Chris Williams
Recently people who frequent the halls of Engineering 6 may have noticed many unique art pieces on display. These works elicit a variety of reactions.
The exhibition image/object: new approaches to three-dimensional photography is on view at The Reach Gallery Museum in Abbotsford, BC until May 6 as part of the 2023 Capture Photography Festival Selected Exhibition Program.
KWAG (Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallert) has produced short documentary videos titled Public Domain featuring artists whose work is in the KWAG Permanent Collection. Public Domain engages with the power of art to connect people and build more resilient communities, within the region and beyond.
Ignition 11: Hamilton Artists Inc.’s Award for Distinction in the University of Waterloo Fine Arts Program
Curated by abisola oni and Sarah Martin, the exhibition Disembody features the work of emerging artists in the University of Waterloo Department of Fine Arts: Ashley Guenette, Ashley Nicole Harper, Christine DuVuono, Clara Laratta, Connie Kang, Jacob Irish & Julie Hall