Successful Applications
A successful application will be fully completed, with all boxes filled out and generally provides a tangible positive benefit on the UW main or satellite campuses. Departments or groups should attempt to only submit one application a term (maximum), and the application should be representative of a decent portion of the departments graduate students (if the application is department specific). Applications from undergraduate groups may be considered if they have a tangible benefit to graduate students.
Partial Funding
GSEF is not always able to grant the full funding amount requested. In some cases, the committee may decide to partially fund an application, or provide stipulations for funding. This is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Spending Your Award
If your project is approved, you must follow accounting guidelines (e.g. providing receipts for expenditures), please see our Spending your award page or contact the Treasurer, Marjana Chowdhury, if you have any questions. Awarded funds must be used for the purpose originally indicated in the application. You should consult your department’s finance officer for assistance should you wish for the university to order items on your group’s behalf and utilize internal accounting; in this case the GSEF account can be billed directly for the applicable expenditures.
Appealing a Decision
If your project is rejected by the project review committee and you feel that the rationale provided for the decision is inaccurate or inadequate, you may appeal the decision. Please contact the Coordinator for more information about this process.