The Coordinator is responsible for the operations, management and activities of GSEF. The coordinator is responsible for the following duties:
Project Review Committee (PRC)
- Solicit for and receive all project applications, including answering any questions or concerns that the applicants have regarding the application/review process
- Distribute applications to reviewers on the PRC
- Organize and Chair meetings of the PRC
- Facilitate either electronically or in-person the decision-making process as reviewers recommend the amount of funding provided to each applicant
- Inform applicants of the results of their application
- Communicate with the GSEF Treasurer regarding project winners and any issues that may arise regarding funding
- Take minutes or delegate
Board of Directors
- Organize and Chair meetings of the Board
- Facilitate discussion and decision-making either in-person or electronically
- At the Board meeting, discuss budget planning and other issues related to the expenditure of GSEF funds, including recommended expenditures by the PRC, Orientation, 3MT, and the Graduate Studies Research Travel Assistantship.
- Take minutes or delegate
- Recruit/select graduate students to sit on the PRC and the Board
- In conjunction with the current GSEF treasurer, recruit/select the next Treasurer
- In conjunction with the current GSEF treasurer, recruit/select the next Coordinator
- Continuously update the GSEF website
- Present an annual report on GSEF activities at the Annual General Meeting of the GSA
- Propose new initiatives to the Board that will improve the social and/or academic experience of grad students
- Publicize GSEF
GSEF plays an important role in enhancing the graduate student experience all across campus and that is what prompted me to get involved. I started with GSEF at the Project Review Committee; when I completed my 2 years on that, I moved to the Board, and then later served as Coordinator in my final year of graduate studies. Over this time we cultivated and enhanced an excellent working relationship with our colleagues at the GSA and saw the endowment grow significantly while awarding funds to promote student-led initiatives. - GSEF Coordinator (May 2015 - Apr. 2016)