The Vice-Coordinator is a new position created in the 2020-2021 academic year. The Vice-Coordinator is primarily responsible for student engagement, communications and outreach. The position includes the following duties:
Support the Coordinator
Assist the Coordinator in managing and overseeing GSEF.
Assist the Coordinator in developing and managing GSEF’s online presence.
Assist the Coordinator with hiring and recruitment.
Work with the Coordinator to develop new initiatives and refine existing ones.
Attend PRC, BOD and Long-Range Planning Committee (LRPC) Meetings (Typically 4-6 meetings per academic term – cumulative).
Chair meetings in the absence of the Coordinator.
Record and post the minutes of each meeting.
Meet monthly with the Coordinator.
Help to develop and implement GSEF Communications Strategy including:
Regularly update and maintain the GSEF website.
Create and implement content management schedules.
Update social media pages.
Work with the LRPC and BOD to promote GSEF initiatives to the UW graduate student community.
Work with successful project applicants to publicize GSEF at their events.
Joining GSEF and becoming a member of the team was a fun and meaningful experience during my graduate studies at the University of Waterloo. During my position, I worked with amazing people and I was exposed to interesting events and activities that I have never experienced before. I am glad that, as the GSEF Vice Coordinator, I have left an impact by contributing to graduate students’ academic and social experiences. I strongly encourage graduate students to apply for and join GSEF and I promise that you will not regret it! - Vice-Coordinator (Sept 2020 - Aug 2021)