Winter 2022 Overview

Tuesday, April 12, 2022
by Monica Cathryn Bustos

Written with support from Najeebuddin Mohammed

Over the Winter 2022 term, GSEF worked actively to increase student engagement, support student-led projects and initiatives, and direct funding to continue supporting graduate students across campus. The move to in-person learning in February provided a much-needed boost to student-led activities, which GSEF was happy to support. Continue reading to check out what we were up to over the last few months!

Student Engagement

To start off the Winter 2022 term, the team at GSEF organised an orientation program, open to all graduate students, to provide then an opportunity to know more the Endowment Fund along with the structure of our organization and the process of applying for project funding. It was an excellent platform to shine a light on how their $20 contribution every term is transformed into various events and activities across campus to enhance the graduate student experience.

Student Project Funding

Curling Bonspiel (Kinesiology)

Considering the effects of the pandemic, the team at the Kinesiology Graduate Student Association (KGSA) planned a Curling Bonspiel to allow their students an opportunity beyond academic environments to interact and socialize with each other as well as a unique opportunity to learn and experience a new sport. More than two dozen students participated in the event along with a few faculty members.

“While the COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult on students represented by the KGSA, we believe that this Curling Bonspiel was a great opportunity to generate social student interactions. We are hopeful that this event will contribute to a positive social and academic graduate student experience in the Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences moving forward. We are grateful for the funding supported supplied by GSEF to make this event a possibility.”

New Refrigerators (Optometry)

With the move to in-person learning, the team at Graduates in Vision Science (GIVS) chose to enhance the comfort of their graduate students by purchasing a new refrigerator for their Grad Hall. The purchase of the new refrigerator in the Grad Hall has benefited several graduate students in the Optometry and Vision Science program. This funding has enhanced their experience by ensuring updated appliances for readily available to students who spend most of their academic experience in this room.

It helps to ensures that students continue to implement healthy eating while on campus by giving them access to modern appliances that can properly store their food. We are greatly appreciative about the funding that was given to us by GSEF.

Student Project Funding Available

We encourage all graduate students to apply for funding for any initiatives or projects that relate to enhancing the overall experience of graduate students across the University! Your projects could be related to an academic, social, or professional initiative - all applications are welcome.

Deadlines for Spring 2022 term:

Project Application Type Deadline
Small Project Funding  May 1, 2022
  June 1, 2022
  July 1, 2022
  August 1, 2022
Large Project Funding June 10, 2022
Environmental Sustainability Award June 10, 2022

Welcoming a New Coordinator!

welcoming blake haskell gsef coordinator may 2022 to april 2023

Hi! My name is Blake and I’m the incoming GSEF Coordinator for the 2022/2023 school year. I’m excited to share with you the endless ways that GSEF supports and enhances graduate student life at the University of Waterloo! There are so many ways to get involved and obtain funding for your project ideas.

A bit about me – I completed my undergraduate degree at Waterloo in Biology where I worked as a Living and Learning Peer Leader and Residence Life Don. I started my MSc in the Department of Biology in Winter 2022 where I currently lead the Campus COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance Project. You could say I certainly have a unique perspective on campus life…! I’m passionate about politics, good food, terrible horror movies, and my ever-growing list of favourite boardgames.

Please reach out for any questions related to GSEF or any other inquiries you may have. I’m eager to put your donations to work for you, so we can make our time as graduate students most memorable! Go Warriors!