Fall 2009
The GSEF has announced the Fall 2009 winners for project funding!
Initially, nine applications were received, after the revised deadline (extend one week due to lack of applications). At the initial meeting, one was rejected (less potential benefit to students combined with many other excellent projects). We discussed the various projects and what additional information was required to decide how to allocate the funds. Over the next few weeks, we compiled additional details (checking other funding situations, asking projects from a single department to be rank ordered, etc) and disseminated this information electronically. We met for a second time and decided on the fund allocations, with two projects being rejected at this stage (less benefit than other projects, and both from architecture which has received funds in the past and had two other successful applications this term). We then discussed the applications, and arrived at the final totals seen above. In several cases the final amount awarded was less than the amount originally applied for (example reasons: the largest requested project was recommended for some of the funds and encouraged to apply again next term depending on their other funding sources, projects having received funding in the past).
Group | Items funded | Funded up to |
Biomedical Computing and Engineering | Catering and promotional items | $7500 |
Architecture | Furnishing of a graduate lounge | $4850 |
Transportation group | Public desktop computers for graduate space | $4050 |
Architecture | Camera | $701 |
Women in House | Trip to visit Toronto politicians | $325 |
Political Science | Equipment for graduate student lounge | $70 |