Become the Next Coordinator of GSEF!

Monday, February 22, 2021

Are you enthusiastic about student-driven initiatives? Do you want to contribute to the graduate student community at the University of Waterloo?

The Graduate Studies Endowment Fund (GSEF) strives to improve the social, academic, and overall experience of graduate students. GSEF is looking to hire a new Coordinator to lead Project Review Committee and Board meetings, develop new initiatives to improve GSEF in its outreach and benefit to graduate students, and carry out the day-to-day affairs of GSEF. This position is open to all graduate students. (See the Coordinator Job Description  for more details).

Interested candidates will have until March 8, 2021 to submit their cover letter and CV to the GSEF Coordinator (Matthew Robbins) at Please email Matthew if you have any questions about this position. 

Apply today!