Winter 2020

Event Name Project Title Items funded Funded up to
Waterloo Electrochemical Society Student Chapter  Society Student Chapter (WatECS) Symposium: Expertise in Electrochemistry  food, travel and accommodation for speakers, coffee, advertising and name tags $4500
GASP Psychology Discovery Conference breakfast break, lunch, afternoon break $2200
Pharmacy Pharmacy Graduate Student Pathways to Success (PGSPS)  lunch, refreshments, PGSPS kit, advertisements $1950
Global Governance Fika Time snacks and coffee $600
WatECS WatECS Hydrogenics Tour transportation to the hydrogenics company $600
Political Science Political Science GSA Graduate Conference coffee and pastries, lunch, office supplies, graphic designer $600
SAD Statistics Antidepression Midterm Socials food $480
French Studies Convergences 2020 food $400