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Environment profiles

Navya V. Nair

Navya V. Nair

PhD student, Sustainability Management

"Move forward one step at a time, day by day, and try to leave enough time to explore the world around you - maintaining a balanced social life while in graduate school is critical. Make an effort to strike a balance between your academic and personal life."

Navya V. Nair, PhD student, Sustainability Management

Prince Khan

Prince Khan

MEDI student, Economic Development and Innovation

"Challenges are a part of life. Doing a Master's is no different. It's an obstacle that you have to overcome if you want to elevate your ability to read, write, and build your critical thinking. Go into your Master's with an open mind on learning, only then will you see it as an opportunity and not just a challenge."

Prince Khan, MEDI student, Economic Development and Innovation

Ileana Diaz

Ileana Diaz

PhD student, Geography and Environmental Management

"There are many events that will happen in your life that you will have no control over, so try to understand the lessons from those moments and use those as a source of growth. Try not to attach your self-esteem to how much you are producing. We are all capable beings and production is ephemeral, but kindness to yourself and other beings is everlasting."

Ileana Diaz, PhD student, Geography and Environmental Management