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Master's student profiles

Ryan Fang

Ryan Fang

MSc student, Electrical Engineering

“Being a grad student is very much a "you pick your story" experience. There are so many components such as research work, free courses and auditing, TA experience, and more.”

Ryan Fang, MSc student, Electrical Engineering

Cindy Wei

Cindy Wei

MSc student, Kinesiology

"I love the freedom and power I have in managing my own time. As someone who is dedicated to making schedules far in advance and creating detailed action plans, the flexibility I have as a grad student is wonderful."

Cindy Wei, MSc student, Kinesiology

Eugenia Dadzie

Eugenia Dadzie

MSc student, Biology

"The best part about being a graduate student is the independence and flexibility that comes with the nature of the studies. Graduate school also allows you to develop yourself personally and professionally."

Eugenia Dadzie, MSc student, Biology

Prince Khan

Prince Khan

MEDI student, Economic Development and Innovation

"Challenges are a part of life. Doing a Master's is no different. It's an obstacle that you have to overcome if you want to elevate your ability to read, write, and build your critical thinking. Go into your Master's with an open mind on learning, only then will you see it as an opportunity and not just a challenge."

Prince Khan, MEDI student, Economic Development and Innovation

Nicholas Richardson

Nicholas Richardson

MMath student, Applied Mathematics

"It can feel more isolating in graduate school than when studying for an undergraduate degree. Especially since my graduate degree was during the pandemic, I did not have in-person classes every day and didn’t get the chance to interact with other people in my program as easily. What helped me feel connected to the campus was attending events put on by the Graduate Student Association (GSA), joining clubs on campus, and meeting weekly with other students in my research group."

Nicholas Richardson, MMath student, Applied Mathematics

Vega Kapoor

Vega Kapoor

MMath student, Actuarial Science

"The first few months of graduate school feel overwhelming, but it is definitely worth the hard work."

Vega Kapoor, MMath student, Actuarial Science

Aiman Fatima

Aiman Fatima

MSc student, Kinesiology

“My best advice is to get involved as much as possible. When you see opportunities, whether it’s to present somewhere, join a club or lend your expertise somewhere, I recommend taking every chance that comes your way. This campus is very large and full of incredible opportunities that are waiting for you to seize them. Ask questions when you're curious and work on finding solutions and answers. Apply even when you think you don't have a shot. You don't know where your next great adventure will start.”

Aiman Fatima, MSc student, Kinesiology

Adaora Enumah

Adaora Enumah

MSc student, Public Health and Health Systems

"When I decided to pursue my graduate studies, I was mainly looking out for schools that are well invested in cutting-edge research and innovation. Also, I sought a supportive environment and team, which I believe paves a way for excellence, collaboration and growth. Simply put, University of Waterloo was a good fit."

Adaora Enumah, MSc student, Public Health and Health Systems