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Eugenia Dadzie

MSc student, Biology

Why did you choose to pursue graduate studies at the University of Waterloo?

Based off the quality of education I received during my undergraduate studies and opportunities that were available to me, I knew I wanted to stay at the University of Waterloo to continue my studies as a graduate student.

Eugenia DadzieDescribe your research and what makes you passionate about it:

My research has to do with the use of microbes and the enzymes they produce to degrade synthetic plastics, thus providing a sustainable/environmentally friendly method of managing plastic waste.

I am passionate about microbiology in general but am especially interested in harnessing the cellular processes of microorganisms to develop technologies that improve our standard of living and the safety of the planet. Using microbes to degrade plastic is of interest because I grew up in a country where plastic pollution and lack of efficient plastic waste management methods are becoming increasing issues, and I observed firsthand its immediate ramifications as it relates to human health.

Tell us about where you are from:

I was born and raised in the beautiful country of Ghana. I moved to Canada to pursue my bachelor's degree in Biology at the University of Waterloo and stayed to continue with my graduate studies.

What activities, groups, events are you involved in?

I am part of the Biology Graduate Student Association (BGSA). I have also played on inter-mural volleyball teams in the past.

What campus services have you accessed?

The Writing and Communication Centre, Counselling Services, and Centre for Career Action

How has grad school helped you develop your teaching skills?

The most obvious way is through being a teaching assistant, which I am required to do as part of my program. Providing help to undergraduate volunteers and undergraduate students completing thesis projects at my lab also provides opportunities to improve my teaching skills.

Do you have any highlights or successes to share about your teaching activities/roles?

I celebrate moments when I explain concepts to students and I see them successfully apply these concepts to questions during assessments.

How do you spend your free time?

I spend my free time reading, trying out new restaurants with loved ones and catching up on/rewatching my favourite tv shows.

What advice do you have for new graduate students?

There are so many useful services and resources on campus. Be sure to use them!

What are your plans once you finish your education?

I hope to work in the biotechnology industry, applying the skills and knowledge obtained during my graduate studies.

Country of origin: Ghana

Domestic or International: International

Academic stream: Research

Full-time or part-time: Full-time

Research supervisorProfessor Trevor Charles

TA/RA or GRS held: TA/RA

University of Waterloo