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India profiles

Navya V. Nair

Navya V. Nair

PhD student, Sustainability Management

"Move forward one step at a time, day by day, and try to leave enough time to explore the world around you - maintaining a balanced social life while in graduate school is critical. Make an effort to strike a balance between your academic and personal life."

Navya V. Nair, PhD student, Sustainability Management

Vega Kapoor

Vega Kapoor

MMath student, Actuarial Science

"The first few months of graduate school feel overwhelming, but it is definitely worth the hard work."

Vega Kapoor, MMath student, Actuarial Science

Karmvir Padda

Karmvir Padda

PhD student, Sociology

“If there was one piece of advice I could give new students, it would be not to get sucked into how much work or how little work others around you are doing. The comparison will drain you. Focus on your work. The most important thing you can get out of grad school is the connections you make throughout your journey—grades matter but not more than those relationships with professors and other students.”

Karmvir Padda, PhD student, Sociology