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Arts profiles

Janet Jones

Janet Jones

PhD student, Applied Philosophy

"Look around and see what's available to you, then try something! I felt really overwhelmed when I first started grad school. It seemed like there was always something I didn't know. So, I started to look for things I wanted and then I talked to people about it. Opportunities came up and I applied. Even when things looked like a long shot. I think that curiosity and willingness really pay off."

Janet Jones, PhD student, Applied Philosophy

Thomas Milovac

Thomas Milovac

PhD student, Applied Philosophy

"Be open to learning new material and to take each and every opportunity to share your work with others; there is no better place than a conference to receive constructive criticism for your work."

Thomas Milovac, PhD student, Applied Philosophy

Karmvir Padda

Karmvir Padda

PhD student, Sociology

“If there was one piece of advice I could give new students, it would be not to get sucked into how much work or how little work others around you are doing. The comparison will drain you. Focus on your work. The most important thing you can get out of grad school is the connections you make throughout your journey—grades matter but not more than those relationships with professors and other students.”

Karmvir Padda, PhD student, Sociology

Hari Har Jnawali

Hari Har Jnawali

PhD student, Global Governance

Quote: “The best part about being a graduate student is the freedom you get to work on your own interests. "Do what is best for you" is something that I have often heard from my professors, and this has been really paying off.”

Hari Har Jnawali, PhD student, Global Governance