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Mathematics profiles

Carlos Andrés Araiza Iturria

Carlos Andrés Araiza Iturria

PhD student, Actuarial Science

"Research what you are most passionate about. Not a hot topic, not something that will make you rich, not something your supervisor is good at. You are going to be stuck for years researching, talking about and practicing whatever topic you decide. If you desire excellent results, you need to feel like it is your topic and gives you a reason to wake up and work every single morning."

Carlos Andrés Araiza Iturria, PhD student, Actuarial Science

Nicholas Richardson

Nicholas Richardson

MMath student, Applied Mathematics

"It can feel more isolating in graduate school than when studying for an undergraduate degree. Especially since my graduate degree was during the pandemic, I did not have in-person classes every day and didn’t get the chance to interact with other people in my program as easily. What helped me feel connected to the campus was attending events put on by the Graduate Student Association (GSA), joining clubs on campus, and meeting weekly with other students in my research group."

Nicholas Richardson, MMath student, Applied Mathematics

Vega Kapoor

Vega Kapoor

MMath student, Actuarial Science

"The first few months of graduate school feel overwhelming, but it is definitely worth the hard work."

Vega Kapoor, MMath student, Actuarial Science