Marianne Simm

Marianne Simm


In her role as Director of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA), Marianne works collaboratively with the teams across GSPA to support our graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. She advises on graduate studies matters, including marketing and recruitment, communications, admissions, enrolment and academic records, theses and examinations, convocation, employment and funding, and University policies and procedures.

Clarence Woudsma

Clarence Woudsma

Interim Co-Associate Vice-President, GSPA

Clarence is part of the academic leadership team in GSPA that supports graduate education and community, as well as grad-related initiatives that align with the University's strategic planning. Clarence supports the priorities of GSPA and works with the leadership team and across GSPA providing academic leadership and perspectives. He also works with faculties and other academic support units, promoting fair application of University guidelines.

Marta Bailey

Marta Bailey

Associate Director, Communications and Strategic Initiatives

As the Associate Director of Graduate and Postdoctoral Strategic Initiates, Marta leads a dynamic team with a diverse portfolio, including communications, marketing and recruitment, student experience and postdoctoral affairs. Always the advocate, Marta enjoys collaborating with partners from across campus to champion graduate student and postdoc matters.

Jacquelene Bailey

Jacquelene Bailey

Graduate Admissions Specialist

As a Graduate Admissions Specialist, Jacquelene assesses, verifies, and makes final decisions on recommendations for Offer of Admission. She's responsible for the management of admissions records, communications and strives to improve business processes.

Miranda Bilotta

Miranda Bilotta

Manager, Graduate Financial Aid and Awards Programs

As the Manager of Graduate Financial Aid and Awards Programs, Miranda is honoured to spend her day assisting students who are experiencing financial need through various bursary programs. She is also responsible for managing the prestigious Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) scholarship competitions.


Janine Blair

Graduate Systems Assistant

As the Graduate Systems Assistant, Janine plays a key role in ensuring that applicants, referees, application reviewers, Faculty and Department Officers and Co-ordinators, Graduate Admissions and Records Specialists and students have timely and accurate information to manage their online activities. Janine supports the systems-based processes for the entire student lifecycle; supporting admissions, student records, student awards and financial aid portfolios.


Suzanne Chung

Data Analyst

Suzanne is responsible for leading the development and implementation of reports analyzing data and trends related to graduate studies and
postdoctoral affairs.


Trevor Clews

Academic Officer

As the Academic Officer, Trevor supports academic units who want to develop new programs or make changes to their existing programs (e.g. requirements, milestones, courses). He helps the academic units navigate the approval processes required to make these changes. Trevor also manages the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar.

Stephanie Forsyth

Stephanie Forsyth

Manager, Graduate Admissions

As the Manager, Graduate Admissions, Stephanie leads a team of Graduate Admission Specialists, providing essential direction and vision for the execution of admission activities, customer service, and new admission initiatives. She provides recommendations on policy development, improvements on procedural efficiencies and strategic planning.


Laura Frazee

Co-ordinator, Graduate Financial Aid & Awards

Laura manages multiple internal and external scholarship competitions and award programs, including the prestigious OGS and QEII-GSST scholarships. She is a resource to department staff and faculty members concerning eligibility criteria for scholarship competitions and she assists with the interpretation and implementation of internal and external program regulations, guidelines and instructions. Laura is also responsible for the submission of scholarship applications to external partners on behalf of the University.

Dylan Gardner

Dylan Garder

Graduate Financial Aid Records Specialist

As the Graduate Financial Aid Records Specialist, Dylan is responsible for Graduate Award payments processing. Dylan is also responsible for Post Tri-Agency competition and Post OGS/QEII-GSST competition processing.

Tara Gingerich

Tara Gingerich

Graduate Admission Specialist

As Graduate Admission Specialist, Tara is a key liaison with the Departments and Faculties for the evaluation of admission recommendations, production of offers of admission, tracking conditions of admission and decisions, management of admission records and communications with prospective students and applicants, monitoring special applications and admissions sanctioned through University agreements with international institutions or governments and collaborative or joint programs with other universities. Tara is responsible for preparing procedures, and training and mentoring administrative departmental staff and faculty on best business practices for application and admission requirements, programs and agreements, and on the use of complex and evolving student system.

Kelly Heald

Kelly Heald

Senior Manager, Graduate Records Operations

Kelly manages a team responsible for all aspects of graduate academic and enrolment records: university-wide deadlines, procedures, advisory, academic transcript data, academic decisions, grade revisions, program changes, transfer credit, supervisor data, enrolment status changes and withdrawals, service indicators, degree completion, and academic integrity course management.

Sarah Howard

Sarah Howard

Manager, Postdoctoral Affairs and Programming Development

As the Manager, Postdoctoral Affairs and Programming Development, Sarah is responsible for leading GSPA activities and programming that support the professional, academic, and personal development of graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

Kari Hueber

Kari Hueber

Manager, Graduate Marketing and Recruitment

Kari is responsible for providing strategic marketing and recruitment oversight for graduate studies at the University of Waterloo. In collaboration with colleagues and campus partners, she plays a major role in shaping recruitment initiatives that effectively build on the University’s global brand reputation.


Wendy Irving

Graduate Admissions and Records Systems Analyst

As the Graduate Admissions and Records Systems Analyst, Wendy is responsible for the day-to-day maintenance and support of PeopleSoft (Quest) & Onbase systems, for admissions and records. 

She provides document management, course catalogue changes, quality assurance, and also supports admissions communications.

Cindy Lei

Cindy Le

Communication and Engagement Specialist

Cindy works with the Communication team in GSPA to complete tasks and promote events. She is responsible for updating and maintaining the GSPA website and social media platforms (Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook). On the GSPA website, she edits and uploads GRADstory profiles and creates graphics.

Elena Machado

Elena Machado

Manager, Graduate Financial Aid and Awards Programs

In her role, Elena is responsible for overseeing several graduate scholarship competitions, including NSERC which supports high-calibre scholars engaged in graduate studies, and the International Experience Awards which provide funding to those who want to go abroad for various reasons. She also administers Waterloo's Graduate Needs Based Awards and assists students in navigating through their financial needs, awards and funding options.

Julie MacMillan

Julie MacMillan

Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Transformation Project (GRATP) Implementation Manager

As the Implementation Manager, Julie works closely with the Information Systems Technology (IST) Project Manager and project team to accelerate the development and implementation of the Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) admission and recruitment system.

Morgan MacDonald

Morgan MacDonald

Graduate Awards Payments and Records Specialist

As a Records Specialist, Morgan provides support to the Faculty of Health with the maintenance and updating of graduate student records, including (but not limited to) changes to enrolment status, milestone updates, transfer credits, and degree completions. She also maintains the Academic Integrity Module for new graduate students, the Certificate in University Teaching, and handles changes to students' immigration status.

As an Awards Payments Specialist, she assists in the graduate student award processing, including nominations, adjustments, and regular maintenance checks.

Heidi Mussar

Heidi Mussar

Associate Director, Graduate Financial Aid & Awards

As the Associate Director, Graduate Financial Aid & Awards, Heidi manages a dynamic team whose primary function is to promote and administer graduate funding opportunities for current and prospective graduate students, provide direction to students, staff and faculty regarding award eligibility and application processes and ensure students receive their award payments. Heidi is also responsible for postdoctoral funding opportunities for current and prospective postdocs.


Saritha Racharla

Graduate Admissions Systems Specialist

As Graduate Admissions Systems Specialist, Saritha provides functional leadership for solution designs and implementation that improves stakeholder experience and efficiency of operations. She works closely with Admissions and Systems team to provide the best system functionality and integration. Saritha also works on production support and projects related to Admissions and document management system.

Lisa Reynolds

Lisa Reynolds

Business System Analyst

As a Graduate Business System Analyst, Lisa works on projects that make Quest more effective for students, faculty, and staff. She is a member of the project team that is currently working to expand the implementation of Slate, which will improve the graduate application process. Lisa also provides support for the financial aid group, by uploading award data and maintaining security access. She assists with records processes in Quest such as term setup, matriculation, term activation, and creating course requisites and class reserves.

Jason Santo

Graduate Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Specialist

In his role as Graduate CRM Specialist, Jason (he/him/they/them) is supporting the strategic development of the CRM application with a focus on application for graduate marketing and recruitment.


Katherine Starr

Graduate Records Specialist

As Records Specialist, Katherine is responsible for the maintenance and updating of graduate student records within the faculties of Arts, Environment and Health. Her responsibilities include, but are not limited to, enrollment status changes and withdrawals, milestone updates, transfer credits, class changes, supervisor changes, grade revisions, changes to student immigration status, and degree completion coding. She also provides knowledge and advice on University rules and regulations to department and faculty administrators.

Christina Treusch

Christina Treusch

Senior Manager, Graduate Systems

As the Senior Manager of Graduate Systems, Christina leads a forward-thinking team that provides essential stakeholder support, functional business analysis, and business process support for all stages of the student lifecycle. Christina provides project leadership in systems development for the graduate community, collaborating with the Registrar's Office, Finance, IAP and IST on a regular basis. Christina is also responsible for the oversight of Quest and OnBase security for users supporting the success of graduate applicants and students.

Carlos Andrés Araiza Iturria

Carlos Andrés Araiza Iturria

PhD student, Actuarial Science

"Research what you are most passionate about. Not a hot topic, not something that will make you rich, not something your supervisor is good at. You are going to be stuck for years researching, talking about and practicing whatever topic you decide. If you desire excellent results, you need to feel like it is your topic and gives you a reason to wake up and work every single morning."

Carlos Andrés Araiza Iturria, PhD student, Actuarial Science

Ryan Fang

Ryan Fang

MSc student, Electrical Engineering

“Being a grad student is very much a "you pick your story" experience. There are so many components such as research work, free courses and auditing, TA experience, and more.”

Ryan Fang, MSc student, Electrical Engineering

Cindy Wei

Cindy Wei

MSc student, Kinesiology

"I love the freedom and power I have in managing my own time. As someone who is dedicated to making schedules far in advance and creating detailed action plans, the flexibility I have as a grad student is wonderful."

Cindy Wei, MSc student, Kinesiology

Liza Boyar

Liza Boyar

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

"At the end of the day, there are many fantastic opportunities available to you as a grad student but you also have to make sure that you are making space for your well-being."

Liza Boyar, PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems

Carrie Shorey

Carrie Shorey

PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems (Aging, Health and Well-Being)

"The Writing and Communication Centre has been an amazing resource to me as a graduate student. Through their one-on-one meetings, I have become a better writer. I have also enjoyed participating in their workshops. During Reading Week, I had the opportunity to participate in their Dissertation Workshop. This workshop provided us with skills to overcome procrastination and plateauing in our writing and ways to connect to other graduate students who were going through the same thing."

Carrie Shorey, PhD student, Public Health and Health Systems (Aging, Health and Well-Being)

Navya V. Nair

Navya V. Nair

PhD student, Sustainability Management

"Move forward one step at a time, day by day, and try to leave enough time to explore the world around you - maintaining a balanced social life while in graduate school is critical. Make an effort to strike a balance between your academic and personal life."

Navya V. Nair, PhD student, Sustainability Management

Aaron Yip

Aaron Yip

PhD student, Chemical Engineering

"Do your graduate degree if you are passionate for what you are doing; succeeding in something that you care about is much easier. And be patient, mistakes are inevitable in research. You will experience failures, no matter how clever you are."

Aaron Yip, PhD student, Chemical Engineering

Eugenia Dadzie

Eugenia Dadzie

MSc student, Biology

"The best part about being a graduate student is the independence and flexibility that comes with the nature of the studies. Graduate school also allows you to develop yourself personally and professionally."

Eugenia Dadzie, MSc student, Biology

Prince Khan

Prince Khan

MEDI student, Economic Development and Innovation

"Challenges are a part of life. Doing a Master's is no different. It's an obstacle that you have to overcome if you want to elevate your ability to read, write, and build your critical thinking. Go into your Master's with an open mind on learning, only then will you see it as an opportunity and not just a challenge."

Prince Khan, MEDI student, Economic Development and Innovation

Ileana Diaz

Ileana Diaz

PhD student, Geography and Environmental Management

"There are many events that will happen in your life that you will have no control over, so try to understand the lessons from those moments and use those as a source of growth. Try not to attach your self-esteem to how much you are producing. We are all capable beings and production is ephemeral, but kindness to yourself and other beings is everlasting."

Ileana Diaz, PhD student, Geography and Environmental Management

Janet Jones

Janet Jones

PhD student, Applied Philosophy

"Look around and see what's available to you, then try something! I felt really overwhelmed when I first started grad school. It seemed like there was always something I didn't know. So, I started to look for things I wanted and then I talked to people about it. Opportunities came up and I applied. Even when things looked like a long shot. I think that curiosity and willingness really pay off."

Janet Jones, PhD student, Applied Philosophy

Nicholas Richardson

Nicholas Richardson

MMath student, Applied Mathematics

"It can feel more isolating in graduate school than when studying for an undergraduate degree. Especially since my graduate degree was during the pandemic, I did not have in-person classes every day and didn’t get the chance to interact with other people in my program as easily. What helped me feel connected to the campus was attending events put on by the Graduate Student Association (GSA), joining clubs on campus, and meeting weekly with other students in my research group."

Nicholas Richardson, MMath student, Applied Mathematics

Vega Kapoor

Vega Kapoor

MMath student, Actuarial Science

"The first few months of graduate school feel overwhelming, but it is definitely worth the hard work."

Vega Kapoor, MMath student, Actuarial Science

Thomas Milovac

Thomas Milovac

PhD student, Applied Philosophy

"Be open to learning new material and to take each and every opportunity to share your work with others; there is no better place than a conference to receive constructive criticism for your work."

Thomas Milovac, PhD student, Applied Philosophy

Fatemeh Ahmadloo

Fatemeh Ahmadloo

PhD student, Electrical and Computer Engineering

“I think with the huge amount of personal and professional investments a grad student makes in their education, stress management can be a significant challenge. To alleviate it, I personally choose to be consistent and not to expect instantaneous “rewards”. PhD research takes time, and I do not believe there is such a thing as failure. Just being consistent and having short-term/long-term plans helps to manage the level of stress.”

Fatemeh Ahmadloo, PhD student, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Karmvir Padda

Karmvir Padda

PhD student, Sociology

“If there was one piece of advice I could give new students, it would be not to get sucked into how much work or how little work others around you are doing. The comparison will drain you. Focus on your work. The most important thing you can get out of grad school is the connections you make throughout your journey—grades matter but not more than those relationships with professors and other students.”

Karmvir Padda, PhD student, Sociology

Aiman Fatima

Aiman Fatima

MSc student, Kinesiology

“My best advice is to get involved as much as possible. When you see opportunities, whether it’s to present somewhere, join a club or lend your expertise somewhere, I recommend taking every chance that comes your way. This campus is very large and full of incredible opportunities that are waiting for you to seize them. Ask questions when you're curious and work on finding solutions and answers. Apply even when you think you don't have a shot. You don't know where your next great adventure will start.”

Aiman Fatima, MSc student, Kinesiology

Hari Har Jnawali

Hari Har Jnawali

PhD student, Global Governance

Quote: “The best part about being a graduate student is the freedom you get to work on your own interests. "Do what is best for you" is something that I have often heard from my professors, and this has been really paying off.”

Hari Har Jnawali, PhD student, Global Governance

M. Shehryar Khan

M. Shehryar Khan

PhD Candidate, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

"I had a fantastic (although, very difficult) undergraduate experience and the co-op program helped me recognize that I had a natural knack for research. Once I knew I wanted to pursue research, making the choice to stay at Waterloo was a relatively easy one."

M. Shehryar Khan, PhD student, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering

Adaora Enumah

Adaora Enumah

MSc student, Public Health and Health Systems

"When I decided to pursue my graduate studies, I was mainly looking out for schools that are well invested in cutting-edge research and innovation. Also, I sought a supportive environment and team, which I believe paves a way for excellence, collaboration and growth. Simply put, University of Waterloo was a good fit."

Adaora Enumah, MSc student, Public Health and Health Systems

Ashley Ryan

Ashley Ryan

Graduate and Postdoctoral Programming Specialist

Ashley works with other team members at Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) to develop, maintain, and evaluate programming related to professional development (e.g., GRADflix).

Monica Munaretto

Monica Munaretto

Graduate and Postdoctoral Programming Specialist

As a Graduate and Postdoctoral Programming Specialist, Monica collaborates with team members at the GSPA to develop and implement educational programming, focusing primarily on projects and initiatives that support and promote the academic experience and professional development of graduate students and postdoctoral scholar