IQC Student seminar featuring Sanchit Srivastava

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Some logical aspects of contextuality

Sanchit Srivastava

In this talk I will review the basic aspects of contextuality and explain the connection to graph theory and magic state distillation following the paper "Contextuality Supplies the Magic to Quantum Computation". I will then discuss a logical version of contextuality.

If time permits, I will explain some work in progress in defining a logical criterion for identifying states useful for magic state distillation.

The main references for the talk are:

[1] Contextuality supplies the ‘magic’ for quantum computation: Mark Howard, Joel Wallman, Victor Veitch & Joseph Emerson: Nature 510.7505 (2014): 351-355

[2] Abramsky, Samson, and Lucien Hardy. "Logical bell inequalities." Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85.6 (2012): 062114.

This is work in progress with Cihan Okay, Yash Totani and Amolak Kalra.


QNC 1201