Application instructions
Completed request forms should be emailed to with a copy of the applicants CV. Please use the applicants name as the subject. If there are any special requests related to this hire not mentioned in the form, please note this in your email.
It is recommended that department administrators be informed of a postdoc hire/rehire six to eight weeks prior to the start date for domestic candidates and several months in advance for international candidates. This timeline allows for all the documentation to be prepared, signed, sent to Human Resources, and processed in a timely manner.
As of December 2024, unless roles are entirely funded by research, they must undergo additional review before any hiring activities can take place. All hiring requests are being submitted to the Hiring Freeze Working Group in HR for review, and leadership approval is required before moving forward. Further updates will be provided if this procedure changes.
Making requests early is recommended as most areas outside of Canada take 20 to 36 week to process a work permit application with most being closer to the 36-week mark. Within Canada the wait is approximately 24 weeks.
If a candidate will have worked at UW for more than 5 years at the end of the proposed appointment, the advisor will have to pay employment severance consequences. Please contact Siobhan Stables to discuss and arrange the payment. This can be done in parallel while the request is reviewed but must be completed before final approval (and before the staff work on the logistics).