Blog posts archive

October 2020

Information bias: written by Monique Mery

hand writing the word "bias" in blue marker

RADAR: written by Marya Talha

woman typing on laptop

Hello everyone!

Internet phishing: written by Ahsan Syed

person with a fishing rod dangling it in front of man at computer

Fake news: written by Alyson Fleming

desk with laptop, mug, and person typing

There is so much information floating around about COVID-19 that it can sometimes be hard to know what to believe! With all news channels and social media apps spreading different information, it is becoming increasingly important to understand how to identify credible sources, evidence-based facts and authors you can trust.

Information bias: written by Maryam Azab

the word bias writen on a chalk board

Avengers DIY

man standing beside ladder with paintbrush in hand
Want to get creative with the Avengers? Library Week has put together some Do It Yourself activities ranging from delicious foods to building your Tesseract and your own Arc Reactor!

Learn to garden with baby Groot

groot running down a gravel path

Welcome to gardening with Baby Groot! As you know the Guardian of the Galaxy are always on the go, so today we are going to go through step by step how to begin gardening no matter where you are!

Choose your location

Community gardens around you: