Blog posts archive

January 2018

Library ambassadors: written by Mary Lynne Bartlett

Hi Everyone! I'm Mary Lynne, the Library Ambassador lead. If you're thinking of applying to be a Library Ambassador for the winter term, and have questions about the job, I've got you covered. Below are the questions I get asked the most about the Library Ambassador program.

Here we go...

Library ambassadors: written by Mariam Rizvi

Hello everyone! My name is Mariam and I am a third year Environment and Business student. I am also the Senior Library Ambassador for the current Fall term! I’m super excited to be in this role as it helps me challenge myself in various dynamics such as leadership, verbal communication and event planning skills.

Library ambassadors: written by Maryam Shaker-Azab

Library ambassadors: written by Chelsea Davies-Kneis

Library ambassadors: written by Fatima Sidi Aliyu

Hey everyone!

Library ambassadors: written by Neha Hussaini

Hey guys! My name is Neha Hussaini, and I’m currently in my third year of Kinesiology. Okay, first of all, I can’t believe that I’m halfway done my undergrad? Between my many all-nighters and my terrible life decisions, the past 2 years have flown by.

Library ambassadors: written by Brittney Wong

Library ambassadors: written by David Phillips

Library ambassadors: written by Yujin Chung

Library ambassadors: written by Azharuddin Mohammed

Library ambassadors: written by Kaitlyn Chorowiec

Dana Porter Library renovation update

Dana Porter Library renovations are progressing slightly behind schedule. The expected completion date is in early August.

Labelled floor plans for the new spaces on the third floor, along with the corresponding furniture selections for each space, can be seen below.

Labelled floor plan

Active Learning Lab: two-dimensional

Library ambassadors: written by Natalie Robinson

Library ambassadors: written by Amy Liang

Hello everyone, hope everyone is enjoying our “finally here” summer ୧(๑•̀⌄•́๑)૭✧!

Library ambassadors: written by Azharuddin Mohammed

Library ambassadors newsletter


This is our biggest newsletter yet! Sit back, grab a snack, and enjoy! 

The Team

Dana Porter Library Renovation Update

Dana Porter Library renovations are progressing according to schedule. The expected completion date is in mid-July.

Some of the additions you can look forward to following the renovation include:

Library ambassadors: written by Ariel Fullerton

Hi, Everyone!

I hope you’re all having a great start to the spring term! My name is Ariel, and I’m in my fourth year of Honours English Literature with a French Minor.

Cold Spring Harbor Protocols – cancelled April 30, 2018

Cold Spring Harbor Protocols expire on April 30, 2018 and will not be renewed.

See the Collection review page for cancellation criteria.

Recommended alternatives to Cold Spring Harbor Protocols are:

Library ambassadors: written by Dennie Park

Hi everyone! My name is Dennie and I’m one of the senior ambassadors for Spring 2018. I’m in my 4A term of Joint Honours Psychology and Science and I’ve been a part of the library ambassador program since the very beginning! I wanted to share why I love this program so much and what it’s done to help me and other students.

DC renovation: before and after photo galleries

Thank you for your patience during the Davis Library Renovation! Get a look at the new and updated spaces in these 'before and after' photo galleries. Click on the photos for more information.

Library entrance

NEW! Quiet reading lounge

Individual and group study rooms


IT help desk and printer/photocopier area

Remembering the old study carrels

Scroll through some motivational graffiti left by students on the old study carrels [Please don't vandalize the furniture].

Davis Centre Library construction is complete!

Thank you for your patience and understanding over the past six months! We have nearly completed our planned renovations at Davis Centre Library.

Based on your feedback, we have now made these improvements:

  • Better Wi-Fi
  • Nicer washrooms
  • Updated entrance
  • New study spaces
  • Student lounge space
  • Printers, computers, scanners and photocopiers conveniently located near the IST Help Desk

Over the next few months you will see:

Library ambassadors: written by Amy Liang

Library ambassadors: written by Brittney Wong

Hey there! My name is Brittney and I’m in my 3A term of Geography and Environmental Management. This is my first term as a Library Ambassador, and I’m really enjoying my time working with the library staff and students. I have been able to extend my involvement with the University beyond my faculty while learning something new at every shift!

Library ambassadors: written by Natalie Robinson