Blog posts archive

January 2017

Your Davis Library renovation questions answered

Where is my favourite study room?

We heard from you that is was extremely important to make the washrooms more functional and accessible, which required some extra space. We are improving the remaining single study rooms to make them more accessible and pleasing. More group study rooms are currently being built at Dana Porter Library, with plans to add more group and single study rooms at Davis in the future.

Where did the IST Help Desk, printers, photocopiers, and scanners go?

Get a sneak peek of the Davis Library renovations!

Curious about what Davis Centre Library will look like when renovations are complete? Get a glimpse of the new study rooms, furnishings, colour-scheme and more!

These new and improved student spaces will be ready Winter 2018.

Floor plan with new paint colour palette.

Library ambassadors: written by Dennie Park

Library ambassadors: written by Leona Vuong

Hi everyone, I’m Leona Vuong and I am in my 4A term of Honours Health Studies. This is my second term being a Library Ambassador. I was excited to return to the team for the fall term since the library hosts a variety of different events throughout the school year.

Library ambassadors: written by Leona Vuong

Hi everyone, I’m Leona Vuong and I am in my 4A term of Honours Health Studies. This is my second term being a Library Ambassador. I was excited to return to the team for the fall term since the library hosts a variety of different events throughout the school year.

Library ambassadors: written by Anna Quijano

My name is Anna Quijano and I am proud to say I am entering my second term as a Library Ambassador for the University of Waterloo Library! I’m in my 2A year, studying English Literature and a candidate for a Bachelor of Arts honours degree. I absolutely love my job here because of so many reasons, but really what makes working for the library so great are the amazingly talented and kind people I work with.

Library ambassadors: written by Mary Lynne Bartlett and Pree Rao

Hi Everyone! It's Mary Lynne and Pree, the Library Ambassador leads. If you're unable to come to our question and answer sessions this week and were wondering about the Library Ambassador program, we thought we would compile a list of the questions we get asked the most.

Here we go...

1. Is this a volunteer position? 

Library ambassadors: written by Rabia Gill

Library ambassadors: written by Natalie Robinson

Library ambassadors: written by Haley Walsh

Hey everyone! My name is Haley Walsh and I am a third-year co-op student studying Speech Communication and Business, with a minor in Public Policy and Administration. When I graduate, I would like to join the public service and pursue a career in government communications.

2017 Davis Centre Library renovation plans

The Davis Library renovation team has been working hard with architects from Walter Fedy and the Campus Advisory Committee. Guided by student feedback and the vision for the revitalized library, we have created a phase one plan that addresses the most critical issues.

So, what’s included in the plan?

Washroom renovation and a new universal washroom

2017-2018 Porter Renovation Plans

As you may have heard by now, renovations are underway at Dana Porter Library. We anticipate that all work within Porter will be completed by the beginning of March and are scheduled to break ground on construction by the end of August. Only two floors will be affected by the construction work: the 3rd Floor and the 5th Floor. Our hope is that this renovation will allow the 3rd Floor to someday become a new, revitalized space for the Library Mission to support:

A great big thank you!

It has been an exceptional year of transformation – with much more to come!

Following the departure of our University Librarian, two Associate University Librarians, 7 retirements, and in the midst of vigorous recruiting and numerous projects, everyone on the Library has been affected by – and facilitated – the many changes underway.

Library ambassadors: written by Pree Rao and Mary Lynne Bartlett

Hi everyone! Our names are Pree and Mary Lynne and we are the proud leads of the Library Ambassador program. Through our roles, we have the privilege of working with a group of UWaterloo’s most remarkable students (okay, maybe we are a little biased, but they truly are the best!).

Library ambassadors: written by Samantha Smith

Hi everyone! My name is Sam and I am in my 2B term of Environment, Resources and Sustainability. This is my second term working as a Library Ambassador and I could not be more excited to be back promoting all of the awesomeness that the University of Waterloo Library has to offer.

Library ambassadors: written by Dennie Park

Hi everyone, my name is Dennie Park and I am a student in my 3B term of Joint Psychology and Science! I have been a part of the library ambassadors program since its start in Spring 2016.

Library ambassadors: written by Natalie Robinson

Hello UWaterloo! My name is Natalie Robinson and this fall I am entering my last year in the program Knowledge Integration.

AccessEngineering – access ending June 30, 2017

The subscription for AccessEngineering expires on June 30, 2017 and will not be renewed due to substantial increase in subscription cost.

See the Collection review page for cancellation criteria.

Recommended alternatives to AccessEngineering include:

Knovel: Handbooks, encyclopedias and reference books for data and methods from more than 30 Sci-Tech publishers and professional societies

Library ambassadors: written by Alexis Nagum

Hello everybody! I'm Alexis Nagum, a second-year student in Liberal Studies at University of Waterloo. I'm excited to be joining the Library Ambassador team this term!

Library ambassadors: written by Rabia Gill

Hi! My name is Rabia Gill and I’m currently in my last term, completing a Honours Biomedical  Science degree, with a minor in Psychology. This is my fourth term working as a Library Ambassador, and I have had a lot of fun in this program.

Library ambassadors: written by Mariam Rizvi

Hello UWaterloo! My name is Mariam Rizvi and I am in 2B Environment and Business. This is my second term as a Library Ambassador and I am extremely delighted to be back after being away for a co-op term.

Library ambassadors: written by Rabia Gill and Brenna Middleton

Spreading kindness, one mandala at a time. The B Mindful Challenge is back at the Library!

A Vision for the Revitalized Library

The renovation team, with input from students, users, staff and the Advisory Committee, created a shared vision describing how we hope the libraries will look and feel by the end of the third phase of the revitalization project.

This vision will inform the work of the team as the renovations progress. 

Library ambassadors: written by Anna Quijano

Greetings all! My name is Anna Quijano, a fellow student at the University of Waterloo. I am currently in my 1B term of Honours Arts, majoring in English.

Library ambassadors: written by Leona Vuong

Hi everyone! My name is Leona Vuong and I am in my 3B term of Honours Health Studies. This is my first term being on the Library Ambassador team.

Library ambassadors: written by Dennie Park

Library ambassadors: written by Taylor Hodson

Hello! My name is Taylor Hodson, and I am in my third year of Recreation and Leisure Studies at the University of Waterloo.

Library ambassadors: written by Brenna Middleton

Library ambassadors: written by Rabia Gill

Hi, my name is Rabia Gill and I’m currently in my fourth year, completing a Honours Science degree, with a minor in Psychology. This is my third term working as a Library Ambassador, and I have thoroughly enjoyed this journey.

Library ambassadors: written by Karolina Kayko

Greetings from the 10th floor of Dana Porter, my personal favourite! My name is Karolina and I’m a 4B Geomatics student here at UWaterloo.

Library ambassadors: written by Mary Lynne Bartlett and Preethi Rao

Welcome back UWaterloo! We hope you had a restful and happy holiday. We are looking forward to an exciting semester and year ahead. There are a few new faces joining the Library Ambassadors this semester!

Portland Press Package - cancelled December 31, 2016

Portland Press Package expires on December 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Nature Protocols - cancelled December 31, 2016

Nature Protocols expires on December 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience - cancelled December 31, 2016

Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience expires on December 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

East Central Europe - cancelled December 31, 2016

East Central Europe expires on December 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Canadian Abridgement - cancelled December 31, 2016

Canadian Abridgement expires on December 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography - cancelled December 31, 2016

Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography expires on December 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

International Journal of Speech, Language, and the Law - cancelled December 31, 2016

International Journal of Speech, Language, and the Law expires on December 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

World History in Context - cancelled December 11, 2016

World History in Context expires on December 11, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Business Source Complete - cancelled December 31, 2016

Business Source Complete expires on December 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Package - cancelled December 31, 2016

American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Package expires on December 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Perspectives on Global Development and Technology - cancelled December 31, 2016

Perspectives on Global Development and Technology expires on December 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - cancelled December 31, 2016

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung expires on December 31, 2016 and will not be renewed.

Emerald Journals - cancelled December 31, 2016

Emerald Journals expires on December 31, 2016 and will not be renewed. - cancelled December 1, 2016 expires on December 1, 2016 and will not be renewed.