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Hi, I am Oz, I am new here...let me tell you a bit about myself. I wanted to be a Library Ambassador because I believe in higher education that goes beyond the normal readings in class. The only environment that helps to foster that goal for free tends to be the Library. You can do so many things in the library like sign out books, read about Darboux integration one day, the next how to make fresh marzipan, and finally end off with some magical wizards. It is a freedom I felt like being an advocate for because it is necessary. The library is already great, but more people should use it. Anyway that’s my story here so far.
Oz is an avid writer, and created the piece below:
"Sometimes life can feel like you’re watching a series of Youtube videos, whether its an advert to make a website using a certain service, looking at funny compilation videos, looking at cute/scary goose videos or watching some person teach at you. It feels like you have to always be careful to like, share, and subscribe whatever you want to be doing, it is depersonalizing when that happens. When I feel like that I remember to pick up a good book, not to be old fashioned but to remember you can always interact, with pages and people."