H. Spencer Clark, first aid certificates

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Herbert Spencer Clark, born and educated in Toronto, graduated from the University of Toronto School of Applied Sciences in 1924, and pursued an engineering career for several years, most notably with the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission in building the Queenston-Chippewa Power Station.

The idealism of Spencer Clark's youth was translated into practical terms following the founding of the Guild of All Arts in Scarborough, and his activities expanded to include a key role in the development of Guildwood Village and the transformation of the Guild from centre for artists and craftsmen during the pre-war period to hotel and conference centre following the war. In the 1960's and 70's, the focus shifted once more, this time to the area of public sculpture, architectural conservancy and preservation.

Included in Clark's papers are these two fabulous first aid certificates. Perhaps I wasn't paying attention in my own first-aid classes, but I don't quite recall the move being performed on the bottom right of both posters.

Rescue first aid certificate

The Royal Life Saving Society. Patron: His Most Gracious Majesty the King. President: The Right Hon. Lord Desborough, K.C.V.O. Certificate awarded to H. Spencer Clark Univ. Toronto. For knowledge of Rescue, Releasing one's self from the Clutch of the Drowning, also ability to render aid in Resuscitating the Apparently Drowned. [Signature: D. H. Allen] Chairman. [Signature: William Henry] Chief Sec. Dated March 1921.

Certificate footer

The Holder of the Certificate is entitled to wear the distinguishing Badge of this Society, in enamel of Coat, or woven for Swimming Costume, price 2/6 each. To impart the knowledge of Life Saving to others is a delightful task and generous in purpose; if you will aid this good work write to the Society, 8, Bayley Street, London, W.C.1.

Swimming first aid certificate

The Royal Life Saving Society. Patron: His Most Gracious Majesty the King. President: The Right Hon. Lord Desborough, K.C.V.O. Certificate awarded to H. Spencer Clark R.L.S.S. For practical skill in the Art of Swimming, Diving and Life Saving having passed the necessary tests for the Award of Merit [Signature: Desborough] President. [Signature: William Henry] Chief Sec. December 1921.

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