2016 Canadian Engineering Competition - Compétition Canadienne D'ingénierie

The 2016 Canadian Engineering Competition took place at McGill University on March 3rd-6th. The competition included delegates from various post secondary institutes across Canada who qualified in their regional competitions.
The University of Waterloo ‘A’ society junior design team consisting of 4 members from department of Mechanical and Mechatronics engineering placed 1st at the Canadian Engineering Competition. The Junior Design challenge was to build a single drawbridge which could span 50cm, 75cm and 100cm gaps without any modifications. The bridge was to carry an RC car and automatically retract once the car had crossed it.

Junior Design Team from the left, Colin Cooke, Mitchell Catoen, Michael Jonas, Jackson Fisher.
The University of Waterloo ‘A’ society senior design team also consisting of 4 members from department of Mechanical and Mechatronics engineering placed 2nd in the senior design category. In senior design engineering students completing their final years of study need to showcase an advanced ability for technical design and problem-solving. The challenge was to build a robot that could navigate terrains including sand, gravel, and mountains while collecting food packets and water for a village.

Senior Design Team from the left, Wesley, Kenneth Geertsema, Daniel Lizewski, and Eric Shi.
Congratulations to both teams for their outstanding showings at the 2016 Canadian Engineering Competition.