Three founding members of the Nfinite team
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

MME-led startup secures $6.5 million USD in funding for sustainable packaging

Nfinite, a nanotechnology startup led by MME alums Chee Hau Teoh (MASc '20), Jhi Yong Loke (MASc '21), and MME professor Dr. Kevin Musselman, have developed an ultra-thin, flexible, clear, and sustainable alternative for food packaging that can be recycled. Current food packaging is not very recyclable. Nfinite Nanotech is using its funding round to commercialize a new coating for cardboard and paper to help provide a sustainable alternative to current food packaging that can’t be recycled or composted. 

The glossy interiors of packages containing granola bars, breakfast cereals, and potato chips are typically composed of aluminum and plastic. While these materials aid in preserving freshness, they also pose a significant threat to the environment due to their non-recyclable nature. This emphasizes the pressing need for sustainable alternatives like Nfinite's innovative packaging solution. 

Nfinite’s solution is poised to make a major impact on the consumer-packaged goods industry. Current producers of packaged goods and packaging manufacturers have committed to reducing their negative impacts by 2030, and the global market for sustainable packaging is expected to hit $737.6 billion in the US. Get more of the story in Waterloo News.