Mozart and the writhing dragon: orchestra end of term concert
Our Spring term orchestra@uwaterloo concert, featuring one of our 2023 Concerto winners on the clarinet.
Our Spring term orchestra@uwaterloo concert, featuring one of our 2023 Concerto winners on the clarinet.
Join us for a delightful jazz selection, performed by the UWaterloo Jazz Ensemble.
Join us for a summer favourite, lovely classical music in an acoustically perfect location.
Please join us for a special noon hour concert with pianist Mike Janzen. Janzen’s most recent release is The Psalms Project: Volume I & II (2021), a double album of original songs reflecting on the Psalms. Described as “salve for the soul” (John Bailey, JUNO-winner for mixing), this album comprises 19 songs written and composed while recovering from a debilitating concussion just a few years prior.
Mahler's Quartet in A minor
Faure's Quartet No. 1 in C minor
Presented by members of London's Magistera Soloists.
Catherine He, the winner of the 2023 Concerto & Aria Competition, will play Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor with the orchestra.
The Balinese Gamelan Ensemble and the Community Gamelan will be playing a selection of traditional music from Bali.
To celebrate Grebel's 60th Anniversary, all three of our choirs will join in song. Two pieces by Grebel alumni have been specially commissioned for this event.
Andromeda Trio was recently awarded grants from Canada Council for the Arts and the Region of Waterloo Arts Fund to commission, workshop and record a piece by Canadian composer, Karen Sunabacka, which will explore Métis-Mennonite relations in Canada, which reflects the ancestries of our ensemble.