Spring 2025: Jazz Ensemble
University of Waterloo Department of Music
Conrad Grebel University College
1. Congratulations! You are now taking the first step to performing with the Jazz Ensemble in person here at Conrad Grebel University College. I am looking forward again this term to meeting you and sharing the music of the jazz greats. Below are just a couple of things you should know to get the most out of our time together.
2. Attendance Policy: Playing in the band is a commitment to each other. Regular, punctual attendance is the first and most basic part of commitment. Absence due to severe illness and family emergencies or mid terms is to be expected, but you must contact me in advance via email, percwood@wightman.ca. Missing more than two rehearsals will jeopardize your receiving credit for the course. It also impacts the quality of the performance. You must also commit to playing in the end of term concert.
3. Placement: There are no first chair players in this ensemble and never have been. We are all striving for the very best and everyone should have an opportunity to play lead horn and/or solo.
4. Concert: The concert for the end of the term is scheduled for Sunday, July 27 at 2 pm in the Great Hall.
5. Music of considerable value has been loaned to you. Please take very good care of this sheet music. Use pencil only. You will be charged full replacement cost for any music defaced or not returned immediately after the final concert. If the music is not available for purchase the charge will be $30 per part.
6. Rehearsals and Practicing: Rehearsals are Monday evenings from 7 to 9pm in the Great Hall (Rm 1111) starting Monday, May 12, 2025. This means you must be on site to help set up chairs and stands, as well as warm up by 6:30 pm. If this is a problem, let me know immediately.
7. Great Musicians are also Music Fans. Go to any concert and you'll find musicians in the crowd: supporting their friends, checking out the competition or just excited to hear music. Keep this in mind and plan to listen to concerts this semester. The Music Department runs a series of free noon hour concerts inf the Fall & Winter terms, as well as other Ensemble concerts every term. See the schedule here: https://uwaterloo.ca/music/events .
Best Regards to all ….. this is going to be one of the best parts of your time here at the University of Waterloo.
Michael Wood