Simon Wood

Popular Music and Culture, Music and Film
Simon Wood

Phone: 519-885-0220 x24226

Simon Wood received a Bachelor of Music (1997) and a Masters in Music Criticism (1999) from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. His research interests include the history and aesthetics of music for video games, narrative film and western popular music. He has published in The Canadian University Music Review, Floodgates: Technologies, Cultural (Ex)Change and the Persistence of Place, and The Continuum Guide to Sound and Music in Film and Visual Media. Simon has lectured on Western Popular Music, Music for Film and Television, MIDI and Digital Audio Production, and Electronic Music Composition at several universities throughout southern Ontario. He is also a freelance bassist, composer and producer, and has contributed original scores to a variety of theatre, film, and multimedia productions.  In addition to his obsessions with noise, Simon is also fascinated by astronomy, model building, weather, cheese and sparkly things in general. He believes that all music is good music (with the possible exceptions of Celine Dion and that “Friday” girl) and has no plans on getting a cell phone.