PD frequently asked questions

Find answers to questions you may have about the Professional Development (PD) courses. If you are looking for information about a specific course or PD courses generally, contact us at centreforwil@uwaterloo.ca or review our staff directory for specific contact information.


How many PD courses do I need to take?

The number of PD courses you need to take as part of the co-op program depends on your faculty.

Faculty Required number of courses
Arts, Environment, Health and Science Four PD courses
Engineering and Math Five PD courses

For more information about your PD course requirements, visit our courses page or your faculty’s Undergraduate Calendar

Do I still need to take a PD course if I don’t have a job?

Yes. As part of the co-op program, you need to complete a PD course during each work term until your PD requirements have been fulfilled, even if you haven’t found employment that term. It’s still possible to complete all the assessments in each PD course without employment. You can reflect on your academic experience or volunteer work in lieu of referencing time in the workplace.

If you’re worried or have a question about something in your PD course related to employment, contact your course team for assistance.

How do I access PD courses?

You’ll access PD courses through LEARN, Waterloo’s online learning management system (LMS). Log into LEARN using your WatIAM user ID and password. You’ll need consistent internet access to use LEARN, and it’s compatible with both desktop and mobile devices. 

If you have any questions about your system’s compatibility with LEARN or issues accessing your PD course, contact your course team or visit the LEARN help resources.

How are PD courses graded?

The individual assignments and quizzes within each PD course are numerically graded, but the PD courses themselves are graded on a credit/no-credit (CR/NCR) basis. Check the specific course page for more grading details. When you look at PD courses on your transcript, you’ll see a CR (credit) or NCR (no credit) appear in the grade column instead of a number. If you see a CR there, feel free to celebrate — you’ve passed the course! 

Why do PD courses show a 0.00 credit earned on transcripts?

For Quest purposes, PD courses must carry a unit weight of 0.50. PD courses do not count towards your overall number of credits, nor do they affect your grade point average; however, PD courses are required for your co-op degree.

 While your transcript might say 0.50 credits attempted/0.00 credits earned, to know whether you have received credit for (passed) a PD course, look for a CR under the grade area. If you have received a CR in the course, then you have passed it! Any other grade indicates that either the course has not been passed (NCR/WD/WF) or is still in progress (NG/IP).

Should I work on my PD course during work hours?

No. You shouldn’t be asking your supervisor for time to complete your PD course during the work day. If you’re having trouble completing your assessments on time or struggling with an exceptional workload, contact your course team for assistance.


How do I register for PD courses?

If you’re following your program’s sequencing, as outlined in its section of the Undergraduate Calendar, you should be automatically enrolled in your first two PD courses the first time you take said courses. Students in Math and Science should be automatically enrolled in PD1 and PD11 when appropriate; Arts, Environment, and Health students should be automatically enrolled in PD1 and PD12; Engineering students should be automatically enrolled in PD19 and PD20. Some students must also take additional PD courses. If you’re unsure of your PD requirements and/or whether you’ll be auto-enrolled, please consult your academic advisor.

Once you complete your compulsory PD courses, you must start enrolling yourself in elective courses. You can pick and sign up for elective PD courses using Quest, and the process is like the one used for enrolling in other academic courses. You’ll also need to enrol yourself using Quest if you need to repeat any of the compulsory PD courses (i.e., PD1, PD11, PD12, PD19 and/or PD20). 

Students in all faculties except Engineering should contact us with questions or issues regarding registration. Engineering students with questions or issues regarding registration should contact their academic program advisor

Do I have to take PD courses in a certain order?

The answer depends on your faculty.  


Order of PD courses


  1. PD1: Career Fundamentals 

  2. PD11: Processes for Technical Report Writing 

  3. Elective PD course

  4. Elective PD course 

  5. Elective PD course 

Please note: PD10: Professional Responsibility in Computing is required for Computer Science and Software Engineering students, and takes the place of one of the three PD electives.


  1. PD1: Career Fundamentals 

  2. PD11: Processes for Technical Report Writing 

  3. Elective PD course 

  4. Elective PD course 

Arts, Environment and Health 

  1. PD1: Career Fundamentals 

  2. PD12: Critical Reflection for Growth in the Workplace 

  3. Elective PD course 

  4. Elective PD course 


  1. PD19: Tactics for Workplace Success 

  2. PD20: Strategies for Career Success 

  3. Elective PD course *

  4. Elective PD course *

  5. Elective PD course 

*Please note:  Some students must also take additional PD courses. If you’re unsure of your PD requirements, please consult your academic advisor. 

Students in some programs must take an additional compulsory PD course. For more information contact Centre for WIL staff or consult your faculty’s undergraduate calendar.

Why am I receiving an error when I try to enrol in a PD course?

There may be several reasons why you're receiving an error when trying to enrol in a PD course. These are the two most common: 

  1. You are attempting to enrol in the incorrect section of a course. Each PD course section is associated with particular reserves, and you'll receive an error if you try to enrol in a section that doesn't apply to you or has closed. You can see the reserves and check the open/closed status of each section by searching the Schedule of Classes. 

  1. You have a fee hold and/or academic hold on your account. If you have a fee or academic hold, you won't be able to enrol in any classes. You can view your hold status by logging into your Quest account. To inquire about a fee hold, contact Student Financial Services; to inquire about an academic hold, contact your academic advisor

If you're receiving an error that isn't related to the issues above and you're enrolling during a valid enrolment period, please contact us and provide your full name, ID number, and a detailed inquiry. We'll do our best to investigate your issue.

Do I have to pay to take PD courses?

No, you don’t have to pay any additional costs. The Centre for WIL is not funded through your co-op fees or any other non-tuition fee. PD courses are an academic component included in your existing tuition fees. For a breakdown of how your co-op fee is allocated, check out the Co-operative Education website. 

Can I take more than one PD course during a single work term?

You’re typically allowed to take only one PD course per term. However, there are a few situations in which exceptions are granted. Students in all faculties except Engineering are permitted to take more than one course in a term if they’re repeating a previously failed PD course. 

Students in all faculties except Engineering can request permission to take an additional PD course by contacting their academic program advisor. Engineering students requesting permission to take an additional PD course (even previously failed courses) should contact their academic program advisor.

What happens if I fail a PD course?

If you fail a compulsory PD course, you must repeat the course during a subsequent term. You must take PD1 during a future academic term, and you must take all other compulsory courses during a future work term. 

If you fail an elective PD course, you must earn the missed credit by either repeating the failed course or choosing a different elective PD course to make up the credit. Failed PD courses will appear on your transcript and they remain there even if you pass the course during a subsequent work term. 

I’m considering changing my stream/sequence. How will that affect my PD requirements?

The answer depends on your faculty. Students in all faculties except Engineering should contact the Centre for WIL to determine if and/or how changing stream/sequence will affect their PD credits and requirements. Making a change could impact your ability to fulfill your PD requirements, so we highly recommend getting in touch with us. 

Engineering students considering a stream/sequence change should contact their academic program advisor to develop a plan regarding their PD requirements.

Course specific

Why is PD1 completed during an academic term instead of during a work term?

PD1: Career Fundamentals is focused on the development of core career skills like résumé writing and interview preparation. These skills are essential parts of the co-op process, and they’re best practiced and refined while students are looking for work and preparing for their co-op terms. Students take PD1 during the term immediately preceding their first work term so they can carry these skills into any future job hunts, both on campus and beyond.

Why is PD10 a compulsory course for students in some programs?

While most students who work through PD courses only need to take two compulsory PD courses, students in Computer Science and Software Engineering must also complete PD10: Professional Responsibility in Computing as one of their elective PD courses. 

Because Computer Science and Software Engineering are accredited professional programs, their graduates must leave Waterloo with certain skills and attributes that are necessary for successful careers. The departments ask their students to take PD10 because the course satisfies some accreditation requirements that aren’t typically addressed through their normal academic study. 

Learn more about PD10 and its connection to Software Engineering and Computer Science.

Do I still need to write a work report if I've completed a PD course?

If you are in the co-op program, you may be required to submit a work report separate from your PD course requirements. Please contact your faculty academic advisor with any work report inquiries.