Ahead of the launch of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) at UN headquarters in New York from 25 to 27 September, students from Environment's Masters in Development Practice program are meeting there for the International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD).
This year’s conference theme is
Implementing the SDGs: Getting Started. The aim of the conference is to identify and share practical, evidence-based solutions that can support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will be agreed upon at the United Nations immediately following the conference. The ICSD provides a unique opportunity to bring together stakeholders from government, academia, the United Nations, international agencies, NGOs, and grassroots organizers to share practical solutions towards the achievement of more sustainable and inclusive societies.
Each students are either doing an oral presentation or poster presentation at the conference.
Representing the faculty are
Simron Singh who is chairing a session on planetary boundaries,
Larry Swatuk who is chairing a session on Greening Cities and
Paul Parker who is speaking at the panel: Scientific Collaboration to achieve affordable, sustainable energy for humanity,' This panel is organized by University of Waterloo professor
Jatin Nathwani and WGSI (Waterloo Global Science Initiative).
High level dignitaries will be speaking at the event, including the presidents of Liberia, Malta and Rwanda,