SEEDlings pitch their ideas at the Jack Rosen Memorial Award for Environmental Innovation
SEEDlings pitch their ideas at the Jack Rosen Memorial Award for Environmental Innovation
SEEDlings pitch their ideas at the Jack Rosen Memorial Award for Environmental Innovation
The School of Environment, Enterprise and Development is excited to announce the relaunch of the Master of Applied Environmental Studies (MAES) in Local Economic Development to the Master of Economic Development and Innovation (MEDI).
We are delighted to welcome two new faculty members to the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development - Dr. Heather Hall and Dr. Komal Habib. Dr. Neil Craik speaks on behalf of SEED when expressing the benefit of having Dr. Heather Hall and Dr. Komal Habib in our midst. "Both individuals are emerging leaders in their field and will add considerable depth to our existing expertise in economic development and innovation, and industrial ecology, respectively.
World renowned pioneer and leader in sustainability, Dr. Frantisak visited the University of Waterloo this week to speak to Masters of Environment and Business (MEB) students.
On Thursday, St. Paul’s Greenhouse hosted a social impact showcase to celebrate the achievements of their Summer 2016 GreenHouse Fellows.
Masters of Environment and Business students, as well as other graduate students, staff and faculty, attended an engaging and informative armchair dialogue with Dr. Dianne Saxe, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario.
Dr. Olaf Weber joins Linda Ryan, host of Voice America's new radio series, Building Banking on Values to discuss values-based banking, also known as ethical, regenerative, just or sustainable banking. It's focus is to put people before profit, and put banking back in service of the people, organizations and communities that make it possible.
Congratulations to Sustainability Management Master's Student Danielle Lindamood for being the recipient of the David Johnston International Experience Award and a Mitacs
The School of Environment, Enterprise and Development is excited to offer a new course exploring the theme of 'the commons'. Senior undergraduate students and all graduate students are encouraged to take this course. There is no pre-requisite to enroll in this course.
SUSM 675 The Commons Amidst Complexity and Change:
The Theory and Practice of Collective Action
Winter 2016
Course Instructor: Dr. Prateep Kumar Nayak
SEED's Dr. Bruce Frayne, lead researcher for the Hungry Cities Initiative talks about food security challenges that African cities are facing with CNBC Africa.