Life as a University of Waterloo student can have its fair share of ups and downs, but as a former upper-year mentor, I am here to tell you—take a deep breath and hang on.
My name is Yammunna and I am in my 3A term of the Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) program at the University of Waterloo. Seeing as I will be a fourth-year student by the end of 2022, it has dawned on me that I am much closer to the end of my undergraduate career compared to the start. Being an upper-year mentor and seeing first-year students struggle with school, making friends, and figuring out co-op hit quite close to home. But then I realized that even I had those same problems when I was in their shoes. As I told them, eventually I figured out a path for myself, and kept at it even though I doubted myself at times.
It’s easy to get wrapped up in a problem we face in the present. But once you overcome it and face bigger challenges in the future, you will see that sometimes what feels like the biggest problem now will seem like no big deal in the future. That isn’t to say that the problems we face in the present are trivial; in fact, they are vital in shaping the person we become tomorrow. However, it is important to remember to take out time for rest and leisure, even during challenging times. That can mean going out with friends, joining clubs, or taking part in a favourite physical activity that will help to prevent burnout in the long run.
Remember that you are not alone, and at the end of the day, life at university should be about balance.
Following are some links and ideas that may help you during your time here.
If you’re struggling with your academics :
- Speak to your Professor during their office hours
- Connect with your SAF Academic Advisor
Be sure to make use of the resources available to you across campus:
If you have doubts about Co-op :