The Accounting and Finance Endowment Fund (AFEF) empowers students to be a driving force for positive action
1 - Provide a brief outline of your academic and career pathway leading to your current role.
1 - Provide a brief outline of your academic and career pathway leading to your current role.
September is a month of change and new beginnings where students across the world commence a new chapter of their life together at their respective universities. As Warriors, we are lucky enough to call the University of Waterloo our home. Specifically, as an Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) student, I get to call the School of Accounting and Finance my home.
As a current undergrad student at the University of Waterloo who was in the same place a few years ago, I couldn’t help but see a reflection of myself in these students.
In the coming days, the anticipation of visiting the United Kingdom as part of the AFM 334 International Study Trip will finally be over as we land in London!
Spring 2022 has been quite an interesting term. For a lot of us, it’s the first time we’ve been on campus in a few years, wandering the halls of Hagey Hall (which is where our classes are), and for others, it's the first time being on campus altogether.
We encourage all students to participate in SAF’s Investment Research Challenge next year as it gives students a unique experience to hone a skill set that can be very useful in their future career path.
The Young Tax Professionals (YTP) program offers students with an interest in a career in taxation the opportunity to closely interact with faculty, alumni, and other full-time tax professionals.
Lessons gained from competing in the SAF Investment Research Challenge.
Life as a University of Waterloo student can have its fair share of ups and downs, but as a former upper-year mentor, I am here to tell you—take a deep breath and hang on.