Departments across the university provide a number of programs that support Waterloo students in their social, cultural and academic transition to university.
Peer mentorship programs can connect students with upper-year mentors who act as a non-judgmental, approachable and knowledgeable first resource and support system. Each of these programs are targeted at groups of students seeking specific types of support.
Regular programs
Do you run a mentorship or peer program at UWaterloo? Contact Sam Germann to add it to the list below.
Program | Audience | About the program | |
AccessAbility Peer Mentorship Transition Program |
Students registered with AccessAbility Services |
This peer-based mentoring program allows students registered with AccessAbility Services (AAS) to share their experience and knowledge with students who are new to AAS, in order to help create a smooth transition to post-secondary education. | |
First-year School of Accounting and Finance students |
Connect with a third-year mentor for two years who can help you tackle academic and accounting industry demands. |
Arts First Peer Tutors | Students in specific sections of ARTS 130/140 classes | Arts First peer tutors may offer support to students one-to-one through drop-in sessions or appointments, or as a group with study sessions or in-class workshops. Each Arts First experience is tailored to a specific class and group of students, so a wide range of services may be offered. | |
Bridge to Academic Success in English (BASE) students |
BASE Peer Leaders have a desire and passion for helping first-year international students and English Language Learners. Our Peer Leaders provide student success coaching support to students in the BASE program, while also coordinating social, academic, and transitional events for students. They also help to oversee volunteer student committees to encourage BASE students to get involved at the University of Waterloo. |
All Waterloo students |
Mentors connect you with resources in preparation for your job search including help with cover letters, resumes and interviews. |
Connection Collective | All equity-deserving students | Connection Collective is a group mentorship program, facilitated by the Student Success Office, to support historically underrepresented students, such as Black, Indigenous, Racialized students, students part of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, students impacted by their socio-economic status, students in larger bodies, disabled students, neurodivergent students and any intersection of any of these identifiers. | |
Computing and Financial Management Mentorship Program | First-year Computing and Financial Management students |
The Computing and Financial Management Mentorship Program mentors are happy to welcome you to the CFM community and are interested in sharing what it’s like to be a CFM student. talking about their co-op and academic experiences, providing tips for effective time management and more. |
Department of English Peer Mentoring Program |
Second-year and transfer students pursuing an English major |
Network with upper-year English students, learn about Waterloo opportunities and experiences and gain support in academics, balance and organization. |
English For Academic Success & General English at Renison students |
ELI Peer Leaders help English Language Learners improve their English and communication skills through social activities. The Peer Leaders facilitate conversation activities and social trips to help our students experience life in Canada and have a positive student experience. |
All new international students including undergraduate, graduate, and exchange students |
Meet and attend events with your International Peer Community. |
Undergraduate and graduate students |
Library Ambassadors facilitate peer-to-peer interactions between students to promote Library services and resources. Library Ambassadors represent the Library at campus fairs and events, create a term project that promotes the Library and student engagement, as well as user feedback sessions, Academic Integrity sessions, and mentoring (with Senior Library Ambassadors and Library staff). Library Ambassadors work throughout the semester on developing skills in the areas of leadership, teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, communication, and event planning. |
Move Your Mind |
All students looking to experience the physical, mental, emotional and cognitive benefits of being active |
Use physical activity as a way to better your mental health and wellbeing. Mentors provide support through one on one activity consultations, goal setting and scheduling, attend workouts together, and provide motivation and accountability throughout the term. |
First-year students |
A Living-Learning Community is a group of students from the same program or faculty, who live together in the same area of residence. Each group is assigned an upper-year Peer Leader who offers mentorship and support. |
All Waterloo students |
A Peer Success Coach will help support your academic success by teaching you key foundational skills and strategies. The coaches provide various resources and learning strategies, and an opportunity to reflect on your academic goals, identify your learning style and develop a personalized action plan. |
First-year students in the Faculty of Health |
weCONNECTu provides mentorship to first-year students entering the Faculty of Health by matching first-year students with an upper-year mentor, who acts as a resource to answer questions, connects their mentees with resources and services on campus, and offers social support in order to ease students’ transition to university. |
Writing and Communication Centre Drop-in Peer Tutors | All Waterloo students | The Writing and Communication Centre Peer Tutors support students with any kind of communication assignment at any stage of the writing process, from brainstorming to drafting to final revisions. |