Objective O10
By 2025, 40% of all Food Services food and beverage purchases are produced on-site, locally, or are third-party certified for sustainability
Progress: Mostly complete
Description: Waterloo’s Food Services team has substantially expanded its local food purchases throughout 2019, and continues to expand its purchases of food products that have an environmental certification. The University is on track to reach its 2025 objective. There was a decrease in 2020 due to pandemic changes, in particular with the closure of many campus coffee shops that historically purchased Fairtrade certified coffee. It is expected that this would improve in future years.
An accessible version of this data can be downloaded here: Sustainable Food Purchasing 2023 (Excel)
Actions and accomplishments
- Increased Fair Trade purchases, and received Fair Trade Campus designation
- Food Services continued to expand its local food purchases
- Food Services began requiring MSC certification for all seafood purchases
- Food Services and other food providers across campus continued to increase Fair Trade certified coffee, tea, and chocolate options
Objective O11
By 2018, achieve and maintain a Fair Trade Campus designation
Progress: Complete
Description: Waterloo’s Food Services team has met all criteria to be designated as a Fair Trade Campus, and received the designation in Spring 2019. Waterloo will continue to maintain the designation going forward.
Actions and accomplishments
Objective O12
By 2020, deliver multifaceted programming to grow student and employee awareness about healthy and sustainable food choices
Progress: Completed
Description: Food Services and the Sustainability Office continue to support active programming to raise awareness and literacy on healthy and sustainable food, including workshops and cooking shows.
Actions and accomplishments
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