Teaching and learning data

Objective A1

By 2019, ensure undergraduate students from any program of study will have the opportunity to learn about sustainability in their courses

Progress: Completed

Completed icon

Description: Waterloo has a strong foundation of sustainability courses across campus at the undergraduate level. The Faculty of Environment’s efforts to develop a campus-wide online fundamentals course and create a Sustainability Diploma, as well as integration into PD1 for co-op students, will help build foundational access among undergraduate students.

Methodology - Teaching & Learning

Courses Focused on/Including Sustainability

The course inventory is based on over 6,000 course descriptions within the undergraduate and graduate calendars. The Sustainability Office used keyword matching for each of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, using keywords that had been developed by SDSN Global, to do a first pass of course descriptions. This method was complemented by manual review of the course descriptions from the Sustainability Office to either corroborate or reject the keyword findings, or to identify courses that may have been missed. The final inventory includes a list of courses where there are:

  • Likely connections to each SDG, where there was a keyword match and upon manual review there seemed a clear connection to the specific SDG targets
  • Potential connections to each SDG, where there was a keyword match but upon manual review it was determined that more information was needed about the course, OR that there was no keyword match but upon manual review there looked like thematic connections to the SDGs and their specific targets

The most recent inventory is based on the 2023/24 Academic calendars. In previous years, the Sustainability Office has worked through academic department chairs to confirm/validate connections to more environmental sustainability-themed courses.

Limitations and Exclusions:

  • Course descriptions are not exhaustive, and it is possible that there are many more courses that have units, modules, or case studies related to sustainability that were not included in the description. Further analysis could be conducted by looking at course syllabi.
  • Some department chairs did not respond to requests for confirmation in the past, in which case the original inventory was used. Approximately 81% of courses were verified at the time, though inclusion of the SDGs and their targets as a basis of analysis significantly widens consideration.
  • Special Topics courses were normally excluded from the count, unless the description provided a list of specific topics that could be related to sustainability. Transfer courses, high school courses, Laurier courses, and any courses that appeared in the calendar but were noted not to be offered until future years, were also excluded.
  • The academic calendar lists all courses that are available at the University of Waterloo, but does not indicate whether they were actually scheduled. Further analysis could be done through the Quest system to analyze the number of courses and sections offered.
  • Course numbers and descriptions may change year-over-year, which sometimes impacts the ability to see comparative change over time.

An accessible version of the data can be downloaded here: SDG Related Courses 2024 (Excel)

Actions and accomplishments


  • Navigating the climate crisis is inherently difficult and teaching it can also be a significant challenge. The Waterloo Climate Institute hosted a full day symposium to bring together educators from across campus and peer institutions to share and explore strategies that can enhance and improve climate-related teaching and learning. The event featured presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities to exchange best practices, as well as insights from Indigenous elders, and had over 70 attendees


  • Solving sustainability challenges requires perspectives and expertise from many different disciplines. A new initiative by the faculties of Engineering, Environment, and Mathematics began weaving this interdisciplinary approach through their upper-year capstone experiences, with a major focus on sustainability. As a first step, students in the Environment and Business, Computer Science, and various engineering disciplines co-located their work in the Ideas Clinic to begin fostering interdisciplinary interaction and collaboration. This allowed instructors, TAs, and students to exchange approaches and disciplinary expertise that helped project teams expand their understanding of and identify solutions toward real-world problems and opportunities.


  • Waterloo launched the new degree program, Bachelor of Science in Climate and Environmental Change, combining knowledge from biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, and human geography
  • The Water Institute and Water Climate Institute engaged dozens of graduate students in a three-week virtual water security summer school


  • Waterloo launched the new degree program, Sustainability and Financial Management, a collaborative and interdisciplinary program between the School of Accounting and Finance and the School of Environment, Enterprise, and Development
  • Waterloo began conducting a mapping and analysis of the UN Sustainable Development Goals across the academic calendar

Historic actions and accomplishments


  • Co-operative Education integrated content on the UN Sustainable Development Goals into the Professional Development 1 course, providing a relevant learning opportunity for all co-op students on campus


  • The Sustainability Diploma and fundamentals online course were approved and piloted, giving a mechanism for all undergraduates to learn about sustainability


  • The Faculty of Environment began development of a Sustainability Fundamentals online course, which is available for any student on campus to provide an introduction to sustainability theory and challenges
  • The Faculty of Environment began development of a Sustainability Diploma as an additional designation that any student could complete on top of their major area

Objective A2

By 2025, identify and implement flexible strategies for 5 programs of study to more deeply integrate sustainability within the curriculum

Progress: Mostly completed

Pie chart 75% complete - mostly complete

Description: Some efforts have been initiated to link sustainability concepts and issues to specific disciplinary competencies in parts of the campus. This has built some initial momentum and can generate knowledge and experience for other academic departments, however further effort will be needed to accelerate progress. 

Actions and accomplishments

Historic actions and accomplishments


  • The Sustainability Office completed research on characteristics of curriculum integration, and gathered examples from other institutions on sustainability competencies across disciplines.
  • The School of Public Health and Health Systems began preliminary discussions on curriculum integrations and mapping possible opportunities and linkages with sustainability.
  • The Faculty of Engineering launched the Architectural Engineering program, as a collaboration between Civil Engineering and the School of Architecture, which includes a major focus on energy efficient and low-carbon buildings

Objective A3

By 2025, every startup emerging from supporting programs at Waterloo will have access to tools and training to embed sustainability into their emerging business plans and models

Progress: Started

Started icon - quarter circle icon

Description: The launch of new programs and expansion of existing programs to connect students with resources indicates promising initial progress. Further effort can be made to define, develop, and advertise tools and resources for participants within existing entrepreneurship programs.

Actions and accomplishments

Historic actions and accomplishments


  • Entrepreneurship @ Environment launched, in order to catalyze and support sustainability and environmental innovation. featuring information and guidance, practical knowledge, dedicated workspaces, and mentorship and coaching


  • Velocity and Waterloo International supported the World’s Challenge Challenge, where student teams picked one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and pitched their idea to a global problem
  • Waterloo partnered on the launch of the evolvGreen collaborative workspace for clean economy entrepreneurs in the new evolv1 building, in cooperation with Sustainable Waterloo Region, the Accelerator Centre, the City of Waterloo, and Wilfrid Laurier


  • The GreenHouse social innovation incubator opened its new space in the building addition at United College (formerly St. Paul's)
  • Velocity expanded its entrepreneurship support by launching Velocity Start @ Environment, a space for students from any program to connect with startup coaches and workshops to grow their business ideas

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