Quest terminology explained

Woman filling in a form on a computer

The terms explained below are found within Quest. For a Glossary of Terms for undergraduate studies, visit the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar.

Term Description
Academic career Undergraduate (UG)
Add status This term refers to the result of your attempt to add a class to your schedule.

After you click on FINISH ENROLLING, either a checkmark for success or a red X for error will appear. You should also look for any messages that appear in the Message column to the left of the Status column.

Auto enrol Auto enrolment takes place when you do not have a choice of related meets. Related 1 and/or Related 2 components/meets are automatically assigned when you add the primary component for the course
Drop Drops the course from your schedule. If you drop a course after lectures have begun, consequences may apply. Each term there are deadlines after which you may not drop courses from your schedule without penalties. For important date information,  visit the Calendar of Events and Academic Deadlines in the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar or the Important Dates on the Registrar's Office website.

See the Drop/add web page for instructions if you are trying to drop your only/last course.

Enrolment requirement group A group of requisites for the course that restricts the course to certain students
Error messages See enrolment error messages
Grade Point Average (GPA) The GPA in Quest is a direct calculation of the unit-weighted average using numeric grades and the weight/value of each grade in units.
Holds A hold is a notice that may affect your use of Quest, or your interaction with the University of Waterloo. For instance, if you owe fees or other goods, or have committed an academic offence, you may find a Hold placed on your account. Holds may prevent you from receiving transcripts, or enrolling yourself using Quest. See How do I remove a hold from my account.
Maximum units In the enrolment appointment page, the maximum is the limit to the number of courses you may take. To override the maximum units, first consult an academic advisor.
Open classes only This searching option will list only classes with spaces available to enrol in; that is, they aren't full.
Permission nbr (Number) A special number required to authorize enrolment in some courses or to override class size limits. See the instructions from the "How do I add classes?" page on how to enter permission numbers.
Primary component/meet The main component/meet for the course. It's the first component listed for every course, and the class section number beings with a "0" (e.g., LEC 001).
Registered status Under student finances, the status of their arrangement with the University of Waterloo for payment is shown here. Check Student Financial Services for more information on student fees, including fee payment instructions and deadlines.

Enrol request:
Fees have not been arranged. Full payment is expected at the specified deadlines.

Fees arranged:
Fees have been arranged and payment is expected when the student has received funds (e.g., from Ontario Student Assistance Plan (OSAP), or scholarships).

Student is on co-op term.
Status The status of a class may be open for enrolment if spaces are available; otherwise, it is closed.

This term also refers to the result of your attempt to drop/update a class to your schedule. After you click on FINISH ENROLLING, either a checkmark for success or a red X for error will appear. You should also look for any messages that appear in the Message column to the left of the Status column.

Student ID A unique eight-digit number assigned to every student when they apply to the University of Waterloo.
Subject The subject is the area of study. To look up a subject code (e.g., Computer Science is CS) while you are in Quest, select the select subject button OR see the course subject code list.
Swap status This term refers to the result of your attempt to swap a class. After you click FINISH ENROLLING, either a checkmark for success or a red X for error will appear. You should also look for any messages that appear in the Message column to the left of the Status column.
Wild card When you are searching in Quest, you use this option with another field to allow all courses containing the value to be shown, e.g., entering 1 in catalog number with the wild card option may produce courses with catalog numbers such as 101, 105, 217, 341, etc.; entering a % sign in the catalog number will produce all courses for that subject.