Tip of the week: Using field descriptions and help text in a proposal form
If you're in the process of creating a proposal, and are unsure how to complete a field, take a look at the field's description and help text. Open to learn more.
If you're in the process of creating a proposal, and are unsure how to complete a field, take a look at the field's description and help text. Open to learn more.
Looking for a history of what was done to a proposal? Take a look in the record's Audit Log. Open to learn more.
Tired of scrolling through records and proposal forms? Try using the navigable Table of Contents. Open to learn more.
Kuali CM does not save automatically, and proposers will need to select Save. Open to learn more.
Kuali CM uses coloured ribbons to indicate the status of a record/proposal. Open to learn more.
Kuali CM remembers your filtered options. If you can't find a record or proposal you are looking for, check your filters. Open to learn more.
The first time you sign in to Kuali Curriculum Management, you'll receive a welcome message on your dashboard.
Open to learn more.