Programs & Plans form field details

(for undergraduate studies only)

The following tables identify the fields of the Programs & Plans form in Kuali Curriculum Management (CM), by section and in order they appear on the form, and provide guidelines and additional details to assist users. Use the links on below to skip to the desired section and field faster.

Effective Date & Career

Jump to: Career | Effective Term and Year

Kuali CM Form Field Used by undergraduate/ graduate Displays in academic calendar Conditionals (field(s) that must be selected for this field to appear) Help
Career Both No  

Select undergraduate for: Bachelor's degrees and associated majors/joint honours/specializations, undergraduate professional doctoral degrees, minors, options, undergraduate diplomas.

Select graduate for: Master's degrees and associated specializations, PhD.

Effective Term and Year Both No  

Read the Important! field, it will guide you to complete this section.

Undergraduate: Should always be the fall term of the following academic calendar. If an other effective date is required, reach out to the Office of the Registrar.

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Proposal Details

Jump to: Proposal Type | Academic Unit Approval | Quality Assurance Designation | Major Modification Categories | Recruitment Materials | Impact on Students | Credential Name Change | Co-op Requirements | Invalid Combinations | Rationale for Change | Rationale for New Program/Plan | Consultations | Supporting Documentation

Kuali CM Form Field Used by undergraduate/ graduate Displays in academic calendar Conditionals (field(s) that must be selected for this field to appear) Help
Proposal Type Both No  

New: Program/plan does not currently exist/needs to be created.

Change: Program/plan is in the Kuali CM database and a modification is needed to the program/plan.

Retire: Program/plan is in the Kuali CM database and the desire is to inactivate the program/plan (no longer make it active).

Academic Unit Approval Both No   The date, in the past, that the department, school, or board has approved the curriculum proposal.
Quality Assurance Designation Both No   If the change is editorial, select Editorial. If it is not, leave blank and the Academic Quality Enhancement Office team will fill out this field after submission.
Major Modification Categories Both No Quality Assurance Designation = Major Modification For use only by the Academic Quality Enhancement Office team.
Recruitment Materials Both No Proposal Type = New If the new program/plan is to be included in upcoming recruitment materials, approval timeline must be considered.
Is there an impact to existing students? Both No Proposal Type = Change or Retire

No = currents students continue to follow their existing requirements. This is the "normal" route.

Yes = current students will also need to follow the changes or will no longer be able to declare the plan.

Impact on Existing Students Both No Is there an impact to existing students? = Yes Provide detail on the impact and how it will be mitigated.
Is the credential name changing? Both No Proposal Type = Change Yes/No
Impact on Credential Name Change Both No Is the credential name changing = Yes The answer provided will determine how the coding for the plan will be made in Quest following approval.
Name Change: Current Student Consultations Both No Impact on Credential Name Change = The name change applies to all students (current and future) For a name change to apply to all current students (vs. an opt-in change), all existing students must have been consulted and agree to the change. If there is disagreement, the proposal should proceed as an "opt in" choice.
Name Change: Summary of Current Student Consultations Both No Impact on Credential Name Change = The name change applies to all students (current and future) Detail the student consultations that occurred.
Co-operative System of Study and Requirements Undergraduate No Proposal Type = New or Change

Yes = Something about co-op is changing or the new plan has a co-op system of study

No = The plan has co-op but nothing about it is changing

Not Applicable = The plan does not have a co-op system of study

Co-operative Education Consultation Undergraduate No Co-operative System of Study and Requirements = Yes Indicate any discussions had with Co-operative Education.
Creating or Changing Invalid Combinations Undergraduate No  

Yes = If the new program/plan is to be invalid with an existing plan, or if the existing plan is to be invalid with a new or existing plan, or if any existing invalid combination is being removed.

No = Invalid combinations don't apply, or if invalid combinations are automatic (e.g., major and minor in the same field).

Invalid Combinations Consultations Undergraduate No Creating or Changing Invalid Combinations Invalid combinations must be mutually agreed upon. Indicate the consultations that occurred with the other credential owners.
Rationale and Background for Change(s) Both No Proposal Type = Change or Retire  
Rationale and Background for New Program/Plan Both No Proposal Type = New  
Consultations (Departmental) Both No Proposal Type = New or Change See consultation guidelines.
Supporting Documentation Both No   Adding documentation is optional. It can be added for one level of governance and then subsequently removed, by an approver, for a higher level of governance. If kept for the final approval level of the workflow, it will continue to be accessible via "View Original Proposal" links within the database. Some examples of documents that may be appropriate include new program briefs, detailed learning outcomes, etc. 

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General Program/Plan Information

Jump to: Faculty | Academic Unit | Field of Study | Faculty [Calendar Display] | Undergraduate Credential Type | Program Type | Degree | Program/Plan Name | Online Degree/Diploma

Kuali CM Form Field Used by undergraduate/ graduate Displays in academic calendar Conditionals (field(s) that must be selected for this field to appear) Help
Faculty Both

Undergraduate: No

Graduate: Yes

  Faculty/affiliated institution. The primary official "owner" of the program/plan, to be listed in Quest and for Institutional Analysis and planning purposes. If a new option is needed before proceeding, submit a Curriculum Management (KuaIi) Update Request form.
Academic Unit Both

Undergraduate: No

Graduate: Yes

List is tied to the selection made under Faculty. Department/School. The primary official "owner" of the program/plan, to be listed in Quest and for Institutional Analysis and Planning purposes. If a new option is needed before proceeding, submit a Curriculum Management (Kuali) Update Request form.
Field of Study Undergraduate Yes (groupings)   The field of study must be selected from the pre-determined list. If correctly added, a trash can icon will be visible next to the field of study. If a new option is needed before proceeding, submit a Curriculum Management (Kuali) Update Request form. The name for a new field of study should match the plan's (major, minor, certificate, diploma) name. Specializations are grouped within the applicable major's field of study. Options are grouped within the applicable faculty (e.g., Options: Faculty of Engineering).
Faculty [Calendar Display] Both Yes   Select the faculty grouping that will display in the academic calendar filter. If a new option is needed before proceeding, submit a Curriculum Management (Kuali) Update Request form.
Undergraduate Credential Type Undergraduate Yes Career = Undergraduate

See plan definitions and guidelines.

  • Certificate: Certificate program
  • Degree Requirements: Requirements common to a particular degree (e.g., Bachelor of Arts)
  • Diploma: Undergraduate diploma
  • Major: Including built-in specializations (e.g., Faculty of Science) and Joint Honours
  • Minor: Minors
  • Option: Options
  • Specialization: Add-on specializations (required or optional for students to complete)
Program Type Undergraduate Yes Undergraduate Credential = Major

Select from the choices provided.

Degree Undergraduate Yes Undergraduate Credential = Major Select from the list of undergraduate degrees. If a new option is needed before proceeding (e.g., creating a new degree), submit a Curriculum Management (Kuali) Update Request form.
Program/Plan Name Both Yes  
  • Certificate: Certificate in XXX [e.g., Certificate in Experiential Education]
  • Diploma: Diploma in XXX [e.g., Diploma in Health Humanities]
  • Degree Requirements: Degree Name Degree Requirements [e.g., Bachelor of Mathematics Degree Requirements]
    • May need additional categorization (faculty) if degree is offered by more than one faculty
  • Major: XXX (Degree Name - Program Type). Exception: Joint Honours' normally don't list a degree as it can be combined with many degrees. Examples:
    • Anthropology (Bachelor of Arts - Three-Year General)
    • Statistics (Joint Honours)
    • Science and Business - Biology Specialization (Bachelor of Science - Honours)
  • Minor: XXX Minor [e.g., Parks Minor]
  • Option: XXX Option [e.g., Biomechanics Option]
  • Specialization: XXX Specialization [e.g., Econometrics Specialization]
Online Degree/ Diploma Undergraduate Yes Undergraduate Credential Type = Major or Diploma

Changing the mode of delivery of a program - major or diploma - is considered a major modification. If the the major or diploma is available to be taken online, as well as on-campus, select the appropriate option:

  • Asynchronous
  • Synchronous

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Jump to: Option is available for students in the following degrees | Specialization is available for students in the following majors | Admissions Entry Point | Admission: Minimum Requirements | Declaration Audience | Declaration Requirements

Kuali CM Form Field Used by undergraduate/ graduate Displays in academic calendar Conditionals (field(s) that must be selected for this field to appear) Help
Option is available for students in the following degrees Undergraduate Yes Undergraduate Credential Type = Option

Select from the list of undergraduate degrees. List all that apply and place in alphabetical order. If a new option is needed before proceeding (e.g., creating a new degree), submit a Curriculum Management (Kuali) Update Request form.

Specialization is available for students in the following majors Undergraduate Yes Undergraduate Credential Type = Specialization

For add-on specializations. Create a list of undergraduate majors using the rule field. List all that apply and place in alphabetical order.

Note: The major plan page must be saved and submitted (with an Under Review state) to be viewable in the search results.

Admissions Entry Point Undergraduate No  

Direct Entry = students apply via the Ontario Universities' Application Centre and are admitted directly to the program/plan

Declare Plan = students apply via a Plan Modification Form after some study at the University of Waterloo

Both = students can enter the plan via direct entry and plan declaration

Admission Requirements: Minimum Requirements Both Yes Admissions Entry Point = Direct Entry or Both List requirements that should be listed in the Academic Calendar.
Declaration Audience Undergraduate Yes Undergraduate Credential Type = Certificate, Diploma, or Minor

Certificate and Minor: Should select "This credential is open to students enrolled in any degree program"

Diploma: Should select "This credential is open to students enrolled in degree programs or any non- or post-degree academic plan"

The option of "This credential is open to students enrolled in any non- or post-degree academic plan" should not be used (this is permitted only for academic plans created pre-2018).

Declaration Requirements Undergraduate Yes Admissions Entry Point = Declare Plan or Both

List requirements that should be listed in the Academic Calendar that students need to meet in order to be admitted to the academic plan (e.g., specific average or courses needing to be completed).

If plan is listed in the invalid credential combinations table, add the following statement as a bullet:

  • Before declaring this academic plan, see invalid credential combinations. [link to come]

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Requirements Information

The Office of the Registrar reserves the right, under the Guiding Principles for the academic calendar, to update the look/formatting of content.

Jump to: Invalid Combinations | List of Invalid Combinations | Average Requirement | Minimum Average(s) Required | Degree Requirements | Graduation Requirements | Co-operative Education Program Requirements | Course Requirements (units) | Course Requirements (no units) | Required Courses (Term by Term) | Course Lists | Cross-Lists in Requirements | Additional Constraints | Notes

Kuali CM Form Field Used by undergraduate/ graduate Displays in academic calendar Conditionals (field(s) that must be selected for this field to appear) Help
Invalid Combinations Undergraduate No  

Yes = The plan is to be listed in the invalid credentials combinations table

No = The plan is not to be listed in the invalid credentials combinations table

List of Invalid Combinations Undergraduate No Invalid Combinations = Yes List all plans that should be listed with this plan in the invalid credentials combinations. The listing should be agreed upon and the plan should be listed in the mutual academic plan records.
Average Requirement Undergraduate No  

Yes = the credential has an average that needs to be listed

No = the credential does not have an average that needs to be listed

Minimum Average(s) Required Undergraduate Yes Average Requirement = Yes


  • Keep it brief.
  • Overall averages are listed before specific averages.
  • Use one (1) decimal place for consistency, with % symbol.
  • Use generic terminology (e.g., major/minor/option) where possible.

Sample wording (use the database as a reference tool):

  • A minimum cumulative overall average of 65.0%.
  • A minimum cumulative major average of 67.0%.
  • A minimum cumulative minor average of 65.0%.
  • A minimum cumulative option average of 65.0%.
  • A minimum cumulative Science average of 65.0%.
  • A minimum cumulative Biology average of 60.0%.
  • A minimum cumulative Chemistry average of 60.0%.
  • A minimum cumulative special major average of 70.0%: all ACTSC231, ACTSC232, STAT230 or STAT240, STAT231 or STAT241, and all math courses at the 300- or 400-level.
  • A minimum cumulative major average of 65.0%: all math courses.
Degree Requirements Undergraduate Yes Undergraduate Credential Type = Degree Requirements List all common requirements (use database as reference tool).
Graduation Requirements Undergraduate Yes Undergraduate Credential Type = Certificate, Diploma, Major, Minor, Option, or Specialization

Summary of the requirements, normally regarding academic units, milestones, or other requirements. The ideal is not to repeat this information elsewhere in the course requirements section.

Co-operative Education Program Requirements Undergraduate Yes Undergraduate Credential Type = Degree Requirements List all common co-operative education requirements (use database as reference tool). Including work/study sequences.
Course Requirements (units) Undergraduate Yes All credential types except Faculty of Engineering degrees and Bachelor of Medical Sciences See how to build plan requirements lists.
Course Requirements (no units) Undergraduate Yes All credential types except Faculty of Engineering degrees and Bachelor of Medical Sciences  
Required Courses (Term by Term) Undergraduate Yes Faculty of Engineering degrees and Bachelor of Medical Sciences  
Course Lists Undergraduate Yes    
Are there cross-listed courses listed in requirements? Undergraduate No  

The Guiding Principles for the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar dictates that, by default, all cross-listed offerings of a course should be listed in requirements (same course).

Select Yes if there are any courses in the requirement rules that are cross-listed with other courses.

Cross-Listings Options Undergraduate No   The default option is "All cross-listings to be displayed". Selecting the other option will require detailing the changes.
Removing Cross-Lists Undergraduate No  

List the courses that are being removed/not to be listed along with their cross-listed counterpart. Indicate the reason the offering should not count towards the plan average nor be automatically counted (i.e., a course substitution would be required).

This information will remain and will be used to verify that the cross-list isn't simply "missed" during proofing.

Additional Constraints Undergraduate Yes   A numbered list of notes that explains requirements listed in course list fields. Must be contractual in nature.
Notes Both Yes  

For undergraduate studies: A bulleted list of notes that are not contractual in nature. Review the Guiding Principles for the academic calendar for guidance. For example:

  • Link to a website for a recommended study sequence.
  • Link to a website for additional information.

The Office of the Registrar reserves the right for final say in what is an appropriate note. Don't hesitate to inquire early in the process.

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Jump to: Specializations for this Major | Specialization Details | Specializations List | Specializations

Kuali CM Form Field Used by undergraduate/ graduate Displays in academic calendar Conditionals (field(s) that must be selected for this field to appear) Help
Specializations for this Major Undergraduate No Undergraduate Credential Type = Major

Select the appropriate option. The selection made will impact how the plan is coded post-approval in Quest.

Specialization Details Undergraduate Yes Specializations for this Major = Yes - Required (separate record) or Yes - Optional

Add a statement as follows:

For optional: "Students may choose to focus their elective choices by completing one (or more) of five available specializations."

For required (separate record): "Students must complete one of the six available specializations and may elect to complete a second."

Specializations List Undergraduate Yes Specializations for this Major = Yes - Required (separate record) or Yes - Optional

Create a list of undergraduate specializations that can be combined with the major using the rule field. List all that apply and place in alphabetical order.

Note: The specialization plan page must be saved and submitted (with an Under Review state) to be viewable in the search results.

Specializations Undergraduate Yes Specializations for this Major = Yes - Required (built on this record)

The specialization is normally included in the plan name field. See how to build plan requirements lists.

Example of this type of plan/format: Mathematical Optimization - Operations Research Specialization (Bachelor of Mathematics - Honours)

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Undergraduate Plan Guidelines

Kuali CM Form Field Used by undergraduate/ graduate Displays in academic calendar Conditionals (field(s) that must be selected for this field to appear) Help
Adherence to Academic Plan Guidelines Undergraduate No

Proposal Type = New or Change


Undergraduate Credential Type = Certificate, Diploma, Minor, or Option

Review the undergraduate academic plan guidelines and verify that the new plan or changes to the existing plan still meet the Senate guidelines (re: number of units, averages, audience).

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Workflow Information

Jump to: Change to Undergraduate Communication Requirement | Workflow Path | Faculty/AFIW Path(s) for Workflow | Senate Workflow

Kuali CM Form Field Used by undergraduate/ graduate Displays in academic calendar Conditionals (field(s) that must be selected for this field to appear) Help
Change to Undergraduate Communication Requirement Undergraduate No

Proposal Type = Change


Undergraduate Credential Type = Degree Requirements or Major

Select Yes if a change is being made to a listed Undergraduate Communication Requirement.

Select No if no change is being made the listed UCR or there is no UCR listed in the record.

Workflow Path Both No  

Committee approvals: Most proposals will go through this path and culminate at the applicable Senate Council. 

Editorial: A quick way to submit corrections to the Office of the Registrar or Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. If approved, the change will be updated in the Kuali CM database. If the changed field is listed in the academic calendar and is made to a published version of the academic calendar, the change will be viewable as an amendment (an "addendum").

Undergraduate: See more information for what changes are editorial vs needs approval

Faculty/AFIW Path(s) for Workflow Both No  

More than one can be selected and all faculties and institutions that should approve the curriculum must be added.

AFIW: List self + associated faculty (if applicable)

Faculties: List self

Non-faculty/AFIW areas: Leave blank

Senate Workflow Both No Workflow Path = Committee approvals For use only by the Secretariat (leave blank).

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