The following provides a look into the various processes that occur after a proposal has received its final governance approval, whether it be at Senate Undergraduate Council or Senate. Some of this content is hidden to the general user in "admin only panels". Some of the work – related to course proposals – is needed to ensure proper integration with Quest.
- For new proposals, indicate which academic calendar (undergraduate or graduate) the record should display in.
- Indicate the date the record (or new effective-dated row) should first appear in the academic calendar (i.e., upon publication or as an addendum).
- Review any internal links created by a proposer to ensure the right format was used and correct if necessary.
- Review for standard wording on free from text or text boxes was correctly used.
- Add the date of the Senate Undergraduate Council meeting, and if it applies, add the date of the Senate meeting.
Course proposals
- For new courses with requisites or requisite changes, create (or update) the requisite summary (max 254 characters) that will display in Quest for new courses with requisites.
- Indicate if the course as special consent to add or drop, so that the information displays in the published academic calendar.
- Ensure all the fields are appropriate formatted, e.g., a course unit weight has two decimal places.
- Ensure the requisite rules are presented in the appropriate order.
- If the following types of changes are made to an existing course and there are dependencies (course requisites or plan requirements), create an editorial proposal with the matching effective-date row so that the content of those dependencies updates automatically and only for the future academic calendar:
- Subject code change
- Number change
- Title change
- Unit weight change
- For new course proposals where the Duplicate feature was incorrectly applied, remove the existing Quest Course ID and Offering Number.
Cross-listed courses
- When a new offering is added to an existing course (or set of courses) and the Duplicate feature was used, remove the existing offering number.
- When a new offering is added to an existing course (or set of courses) and that existing course is listed in an academic plan/program (and that plan stipulates that all cross-listed courses are to be listed), add the new offering to the appropriate plan/program list in alpha-numeric order.
Retiring courses
The dependencies functionality is used to guide the following work:
- Remove the retired course from any requisite-related linked rules and move the content into a Free form text rule.
- Remove the retired course from every plan/program rule that lists it; simultaneously review additional constraints and notes fields to see if the course is mentioned there to also be removed.
Programs & plans
- If courses are being added to the end of rules list, rebuild the rules to be in alpha-numeric order.
- For new programs & plans (or name changes):
- Create the CM Program code (if not requested earlier in the approval process).
- Create the new field of study and apply it to the record (if not requested in the draft state or earlier in the approval process).
- Create the description to appear in the database landing page, if it applies.
- If a proposal indicates a creation of, or change to, an invalid plan combination, add those invalid combinations to the central regulations page.
- Move any special notice content (e.g., program is closed for admission until a review is completed or approved by Senate) to a Special Notice field for displaying at the top of the academic calendar page.
- For new regulations (or page name changes), create the CM code (if not requested earlier in the approval process).