Academic calendar

Recommended linking guidelines

  • Also see the Writing Style Guide's conventions for academic calendars.
  • When a direct link must be used, ensure the URL ends in one of the following ways, where “code” is normally a 9-10 alpha-numeric string (appears before a question mark when navigating to it):

    • Course: URL end: “/catalog#/courses/code”
      Example: AFM100: code = SjuWq4QY
    • Program or plan: URL end: “/catalog#/programs/code”
      Example: Biology Minor: code = BJNr1J0Cs2
    • Regulation: URL end: “/catalog#/policies/code”
      Example: About Undergraduate Admissions: code = BkoG-HNVa
  • For undergraduate studies: We recommend linking to the main URL for the undergraduate studies academic calendar and letting the user search for the content using the tools available.
  • For graduate studies: Users are encouraged to replace the previous Calendar links (currently redirecting) with new links, using the linking guidelines above.